Market Research

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Market Research

Market Research

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Background of the Company/organization

Bryan Tutoring Service is an Oregon based organization that offers tutoring services for a wide variety of subjects. Tutoring company offers its specialized skills of tutors to those students who are weak and need extra tutor service to get respectful result (Stacey & Griffin, 2005). Company is based on sole proprietor and plans to organize their business in Hertfordshire (United Kingdom). The first step of this transformation is to writing a business plan that is used as an internal document and assist in the development of business in Hertfordshire. This is noted that Bryan Tutoring Service operates with a very low cost, therefore organization do not focus on capital to run their operations. Bryan tutoring service also offers extensive service in shape of past exams collection that is valuable for the teaching materials and help students in their exams preparation.

Understand the problem

Tutoring has a history as a tool that improves student's academic achievement in the United Kingdom (Hedrick, 2000). Children can receive service of tutoring from different resources, both in school and outside from school). Children of parent, who cannot help either educationally or financially, rely upon tutoring services that provided them outside from school (Bradburn, 2004) This research is briefly investigating the use of tutoring services among Hertfordshire students who enrolled in grade K-12 (Martens, 2001). This report also compares the students that have not successfully make adequate yearly progress for more than 3 years and where students enrolled ins school may have required supplemental education service (Heinrich, 2010) like 'tutoring' .

Proposed research objectives

Bryan tutoring service offers a wide range of the academic subjects. There are number of session that can be set as the private of those students who may prefer group tutoring. Fang, (2009) indicates that private session offer intense individual assistance while on other side group tuition is effective in case of reducing economic cost. Bryan Tutoring Services offer uses the Systematic Analysis Framework that is effectively helpful in problem solving. Through this approach students provide a system to approach to all topics that they have to encounter in school (Senge, 2012). This particular system is a better way to solve their queries. This system is also different from majority tutors that have primarily concerned with answering the immediate questions of students and not concerned with ...
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