Market Entry Options

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Market Entry Options

Market Entry Options


Reaching to international markets like UK has now become the main objective of many organizations. Companies are now more concerned about how to increase their rate of profit, and the only possibility they see is to get access to international markets. However, getting access to international market requires a unique marketing strategy, most commonly known as international marketing. In this study a Global Marketing Strategy has been formulated to target UK beer market. China for Beijing Yanjing Beer Company is willing to expand its operation to international market and require an initial plan for international marketing (Rosier et al, 2010, 450). The marketing plan would be developed after examining various market factors, it has been concluded that the company should focus on UK market by offering unique taste and full of beer.

The research is done on the challenges that are encountered when setting up a Chinese Beer company named Beijing Yanjing Beer Company in the United Kingdom. Since every country has its own laws and policies with regards to the setup of businesses, so does the UK. However, there are some countries in which rules are strict, and therefore, setting up a Beer company is not an easy task. The reason why the study has been chosen is to analyze the pros and cons of setting up a business in UK because we would like to start Beer Company in the region. For this purpose, it is essential to learn about all the factors that are involved (Slater & Narver, 1995, 63). This includes the ethical implications, tax policies, employment policies and various other policies and laws which are associated with it.

Research Aim

The aim for conducting the study is to enhance our knowledge with regards to the idea of setting up a Beijing Yanjing Beer Company in the UK. This would enable us to set our own business in the UK and to make myself aware of all the issues that may arise in the future. It is better to learn about something in order to ensure that issues do not arise in the future. The idea is also to attract the businesses to enter the same industry.

Market Entry Options

For Beer Company, one of the most essential features is to develop its position in the market; the forecast related to sales should assume a self-effacing change in the yearly costs. Since every business operates in order to make profits, there is a lot of hard work that needs to be done to ensure that the business will reap good profits. This is the reason why sales have to be increased and customers need to know about the offering properly. Besides this, marketing also plays a major role in making a business a success and this is the reason why the marketing strategies related to Internet can be used by the businesses operating in the United Kingdom to keep focus on information related to its products and offers, whereas future opportunities for ordering ...
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