Market Change Adaptation

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Market Change Adaptation

Market Change Adaptation by Cell Phone Industry





Nokia Versus Samsung5

Market Change Adaptation by Nokia and Samsung6



Market Change Adaptation by Cell Phone Industry


Mobile phone industry has taken its market share in late 2006 as consumers and business man were growing towards purchasing the mobile phone brands enhancing their status. There were two industry leaders when the market change was adapted. Nokia and Samsung were the two industry leaders when the mobile market was captured by the business man and consumers. At that time Nokia market share was 35% and Samsung has 12% market share. It was depicted that future of both companies were seems to be bright. Further discussion will explore the market change adapted by Nokia and Samsung. As to identify that a brand has successfully adapted to change the market place, and another brand has not adapted the mark place (Kovac, 2012, pp.1).

There is a tough competition between Nokia and Samsung due to latest technologies that are arising these days in the market. Earlier Samsung was for youngsters and Nokia was for business class. Now the marketing mix of theses mobile devices has captured all class of consumers and the new products had a high impact on consumers. Therefore, consumers of Nokia and Samsung are divided among the new bands that had entered in the market (Marian, 2013, pp.1).

The number one brand Nokia has to make an effort to retain its position, whereas Samsung is coming on the way to beat Nokia. The technology advancement has increased competition among the brands. The Partnership of Nokia with Microsoft will be fruitful in retaining its position in the market. However the cellular brand adapted market change, and they are producing innovative brand that are beneficial for the consumers (Marian, 2013, pp.1).



Nokia was founded in 1865 in Finland. The revenue that was generated at that time was $38.65 billion. Nokia has made an effort to capture the business man market. At the beginning Nokia was highly expensive for many consumers. The consumers termed Nokia as a “Traditional Brand” and its logo is “connecting people.” Furthermore, Nokia has captured the market of business class and businessman (Chan, 2006, pp.17).

Nokia has covered 20 to 50 years of age group for selling the brand, and it is a high quality brand in the market of US. According to the Nokia manufacturers the functions of the mobile are more important than technology. Nokia is identified as the world's number one cellular brand followed by Samsung and other brands. The company has increased its market by delivering models to vendors in China (Chan, 2006, pp.17).


Samsung was founded in 1938 in South Korea. The revenue that was generated in 2011 was $220.1 billion. Samsung has captured the market of youngsters, and it is the market leader through the launch of innovative brands in the market. Samsung has grabbed the majority of Socio Economic Status due to its ...
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