Marjane Satrapi's Graphic Novel Persepolis

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Marjane Satrapi's Graphic Novel Persepolis

Marjane Satrapi's Graphic Novel Persepolis

Upon Writing the Persepolis

The 1979 revolution of the Islamism in Iran marked a hallmark event in the history of the world and across the globe. The author of the Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi has illustrated the revolution and its related stories by depicting it and exemplifying it through her childhood and its stories. She records that growing up in those times was an experience that was overwhelming and very unique. She accounts that in her opinion the repression people had to face after the revolution would not have been so severe and relentless if the population of Iran and its people were not very traditional (

Persepolis is one of the landmark books in the history of literature. It paved way for more of its kind and the aspect of affect, Satrapi wanted to depict, has been successful and influential. The Iranian revolution itself was one of the greatest events in the history. Shah's government toppled and drowned in a manner which few people consider brutal and other consider it as not so brutal and take it as one of the normal revolutions. Although this revolution was not one of the ideals, but a school of thought probably extremist deem it necessary.

The Perspectives in Persepolis

A person, not bleakly aware of this aspect of literature, might consider Persepolis as a bunch of a hoard of pictures. Upon looking at them diligently and from a literal point of view, this novel is designed to take you through the journeys of that time. It takes the reader to the history, gender, political and religious issues which played their part in some way to the revolution of people (

Transition of Thinking Patterns and Coercion

Iran was not always the most conservative societies of the world. It has seen a time period where there was personal freedom and people were significantly modernised and broad-minded in their thinking. From the revolution of people to the religious point of view, Iran went through a lot with the transition in the government.

If political transition was not enough, Iranian people went through drastic changes and dynamism along with the political transition and alteration. The people who ruled Iran, such as the Shah of Iran, belonged to a different mindset and the rulers taking over after him belonged to an entirely different background. Not only the backgrounds and the contexts matter, the leaders before and after the revolution came with much diversified ideologies and philosophies. It is said that the people, whether they are the citizens of any country or are the members of any organisation behave in a way and depict themselves in accordance with the way they are ruled. Therefore, people of Iran had to depict contrasting features both the time; before the revolution and after it.


One of the major aspects of the change brought about by revolution in Iran was the particular shift towards extremism and ...
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