The Glorification Of Personal Belief

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The Glorification of Personal Belief

The Glorification of Personal Belief

The Glorification of Personal Belief


Marjane Satrapi's graphic novel Persepolis directly confronts the political versus personal beliefs. This novel depicts the phases from early childhood, adolescence and young adulthood living in Tehran. The climax occurs when the Persepolis feel the unpleasant and emotional memories. The story plot revolves around the Marjane life and their views regarding their personal beliefs. This tale is divided into two periods. In the youth phase which she recalls her own history of her life? In the second phase, she was liberal and an active mother in the novel. Marjane is a character that has faced many difficulties in life, and she is now an independent woman instead of a small child. At an early age, she suffered many difficulties as a result she was married at the age of 14 and she get divorced at an early age. The sufferings and anger within her lead the change in the attitude and beahvout of that girl. The Persepolis is an emotional work that depicts multicultural influences in it. There is a character is self portrays is also peppered with a sense of embracing, shameful behavior. Marjane has mad furious attempts of conversation with God during the childhood. She is separated from her parents and faced difficulties throughout the life. When she falls in love her heart is broken and she finds herself rooming around the streets. The aim of the story revels in the concept of freedom always had a price and giving a chance to search the true happiness in life (Schager, 2007, pp.1)Discussion

It was identified that the Persepolis was an educational book. It depicts the view point of the Iran people and they a linear reading for that novel. There is an intellectual change and cultural variation in the novel that is highly appreciable by the readers (Zuarino, 2006, pp.1). The Persepolis was known as a graphic novel. In this novel, the Satrapic childhood has been praised. She says that the events and movements depicted in the novel story are the events in her life that has to be taken place (Zuarino, 2006, pp. 1). It is the story of a free spirited girl that has faced many difficulties, and she is a young girl that has face hardships in her life. All the problems and worries that she has faced is identified in the plot of this novel. The story revolves around Marji and that mother that finds love and comfort around them, and they have faced problems and hardships in the surroundings. The plot of the novel explains the phases they pass throughout life and the sacrifices they have given for each other (Satrapi's, 2010, pp. 5-14).

There are scenes, expressions, emotions in the novel that are heart touching and they have make the novel in the form that no matter what is the language one can speak and write in several languages. There are different forms of tragedy and several key factors ...
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