Managing People For Performance

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Managing people for performance

Managing people for performance


This report is based on an important issue “Managing People for Performance”. Word “People” refer to the “Employees” working in an organisation. Performance really matters a lot for an organisation as an organisation can never be successful unless it is effectively managing its employee's performance. FS Ltd. Call Centre Company is taken as an example for critically analysing the problems related to performance issues for the study.

Table of Contents


Effective Management of people for performance5

Strategic Human Resource Management6

Performance related problems of FS Ltd. Call centre company6

Performance Management System7

Employee performance management:8






Benefits of managing people performance10

Improved management control12

Organizational Development12

1.Performance Planning12

2.Performance Coaching12

3.Performance Appraisal13


Introduction of Communication channel13

Introduction of performance management system14

Introduction of performance based reward system14




Managing people for performance


Managing performance is not always an easy task for an organisation. The main reason behind it is the difference between one organisation from other. There are no set principles or plan that can be applied to all the organisations for managing their employees' performance. According to Henry Mintzberg management is an important aspect, which is a combination of art, craft and science. The employee handbook or guide is not a rule book. Managing performance includes set of processes the successful performance management is only about having a performance appraisal once in a year or twice in a year. It is a continuous process that needs to be kept active on daily basis.

FS Ltd. Call centre is the company, which is selected for the study to identify the performance issues and to identify the ways that can help the company in managing the performance of the employees working in it. It is clear from the case provided for the study that the company in facing number of problems in managing its employees performance. Managing performance of employees is of great importance as it will directly help in achieving the overall organisational goals. It was found that the team managers were unable to manage their team due to various factors. FS Ltd. Call centre needs to design and properly implement a professional employee performance management system (Daniels, 2004).



Effective Management of people for performance

Employees can be only effectively managed by satisfying their needs and wants. Most of the needs of employees are based on monetary values. It is observed that money serves as a greatest motivator. Although an un-justified allocation of monetary rewards can be very costly for an organisation. Here comes the importance of effectively managing people for achieving the desired performance. Employees are the most important resources of an organisation, which help in generating the required outcomes in terms of productivity, profitability etc.

For some people effective employee management is simply a matter of good planning. Carefully making use of available effective employees to provide social utility while ensuring that there is enough left to meet future needs. That idea, however, masks important philosophical and ethical debates about which approach to management is most appropriate, what the goals of management should be, and whether it is even satisfactory to characterize ...
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