Managing People

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Managing People

Managing People

Employees involved in Decision Making

Numerous studies and monitoring the activities of labor collectives and workers show that part (in one form or another) of employees in management provides the following benefits:

better use of human organization

motivate employees to work

increase productivity and efficiency

with the participation of employees in the discussion of the proposed changes are less resistant to these changes

Develop a system of communication in an organization, open communication system from the bottom and thus weakens pressure on the leadership of his subordinates.

Worker participation in management is based on the fact that many of them are perfectly natural desire to participate (in one form or another) in the management of the organization (department), to take place in the organization of processes that are associated with their activities, although outside the scope of work they work and tasks (Javadin 2001, 98). The fact is that people in the organization manifests itself not only as a performer. He also was interested in how to organize his work in any conditions occurs, the impact on the organization. Only some workers prefer to work under an authoritarian leadership style, located in tightly controlled situations. Attracting workers to management in some cases is due to the refusal of some managers from the government in dealing with current issues, providing the necessary authority to employees and making them responsible for solving problems (Mullins 2010, pp. 45). Rejection of authority is appropriate where:

people have achieved qualifications

employees have the experience and desire to work independently

people have a high level of integrity, consciousness

There is an uncertain situation, when people at the lower levels seen better

As an example, is very common with respect to self-association of workers in autonomous teams, quality circles (in Japan they have existed since the early 50's, were approved in Europe in the 80s of last century), and the working group. This self-regulatory organization structures that are within their competence, plan their activities and monitor its results. These small groups of employees - 10 members or less - there are weekly and within an hour discussing the special problems and suggestions for improvement. Grassroots leaders usually attend such meetings and participate in them, but the discussions are just working. When decisions are made ??or proposed any action, they are submitted for approval by management. This approval is usually provided (Chandler 2000, pp. 43).

The companies operate in increasingly more dynamic and competitive environment, which require changes in organizations and, therefore, the systematic adaptation of directors, employees and customers to new forms of work, among which timework. However, the introduction of telework in any organization requires a decision-making process that can be addressed by organizations from the perspective of participatory or from authoritarianism. Companies must analyze the process of decision-making implementation of tele-working in organizations from a cross-cultural perspective, considering how cultural differences affect the participation in decision-making of individuals involved in the new organization work involved in tele-work (Cox 1991, pp. 45).

In this area, has become of paramount importance to involve staff in ...
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