Managing People

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Managing People in Organization

Managing People in Organization


The world is in the process of globalization, that is fact, especially in economic, technological and communications, which has led to several changes in administrative management of the companies. During the change, the organization must be tuned regarding their strategies; they need to be clear, supported by a management extensive involvement and participation. An organization that claims to have the self a strategic vision needs to take into account that there is a flow of knowledge that affects production as a whole.

We can say that human beings are the key to success or failure of strategies of an organization.. Therefore, in successful organizations, the human being is seen as the only true competitive advantage sustainable. For this to become a centrepiece of the management of organizations, it is necessary to focus on the human relations at work, managing people has this essence, she argues that by Through these commands becomes possible to understand the nature of organizations and real possibilities for improvement, always based on proper planning.

The Human Resources Administration, is something new, has its origins in the early twentieth century, after the strong impact of the Industrial Revolution, but has undergone changes and improvement during the years pass. We can cite the mutual respect, the “times” of work and delegating tasks, as some of the successes of the tool that act as facilitators of group work. It is important to remember that people management is aimed at enhancement of professional and human, unlike the Human Resources sector aimed at the professional technique and mechanism.


Managing People

When we talk about managing people, we talk about the coexistence of humans forming certain company; it is them that spend most of your life, providing their services. Thinking this way, we can conclude that the production of goods and services not can be developed by individuals working alone. So it becomes essential to performing work in groups or teams. So companies are formed by groups of people and rely on them to achieve their goals. As for people, the company is the way to conquer various personal goals. On this view, we note that group work is required. It vital! We can not understand professional relationships as mere productive resources, is necessary to value teamwork.

We know that by working with people, and these are unique, many obstacles exist. So it is up to the people to use up the most appropriate practices relationship of its employees to extract the energy that will give them profit and perpetuation of its capital. Should seek to circumvent particularities that can be de-motivating to employees and transforming stimulus in order to achieve working in harmony and in search efficiency. Believing that people are the essence of enterprises, this paper is explain the importance of people and how to deal with them influences goal results of organizations, as well as open avenues for new research related to the theme and its peculiarities. Throughout the article concepts and related topics, such as ...
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