Managing Organisational Performance

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Managing Organizational Performance


Discussion and Analysis3

About The Company3

Use of Employee Survey for Performance Evaluation and Hiring4

HR Strategies which Google have implemented for achieving its growth and Expansion targets5

Google's Culture6

Challenges Google May Face Because of its Culture7

Theoretical Approaches8

Organizational Learning Perspective9

Kirkpatrick's model9

Effective results9

Factors Responsible for the Specific Culture that Exists in Google10

Employee Satisfaction10

Risk Taking and Innovative Behavior10

Team Work12



Managing Organizational Performance


For most organizations, employees are their most valuable resource. The employees are usually the ones in charge of accomplishing the company's objectives (Mann, 2007, pp 57-69). The success of an organization is generally determined by the commitment and abilities of its work force. Employees are the backbone of the industry. Therefore, employee's behavior and culture has to be managed well in the organization.

Organization behavior is the vast field that includes sociology, psychology, management and the communication and interactions among the workforces. The basic purpose of any organization is to be successful and earn maximum profits and this will only be achievable if the human resource is giving 100 % output to the organization, this will only be achieve when the human resource work with full motivation ,interest ,hard work and satisfaction, the organizational behavior studies the rapid changes in the corporate cultures and managers are giving more attention on the reactions ,attitudes of the employees because the core secret behind the success of any organization is their human resource, in today's competitive world the understanding the organizational behavior is very vital tool for the efficient team management (Helft, 2011)

It is a fact that among 100 companies working in US Apple and Google. Inc is the two major companies of the world that are admired the most, according to the annual list of Fortune magazine. It is not a surprising to hear, as considering the popularity of Google's ubiquitous search engines and outpouring of the other novel Internet effectively. Google has now become a role model of how the organization can succeed in current turbulent environment. Thus, in each and every sector of the economy, the organizations actually needs to have more employed skills and they needs to be innovative with motivating people who can work under teams, developing leaders with vision and foresight, and making decision that considers the interest of multiple stakeholders ( It is obvious that bets companies succeed through the practices and concepts that need to be discussed in this project.

Discussion and Analysis

About The Company

Google, an American multinational organization, changed the way people search and access information. The founders Brin and Larry's vision turned the company into a necessity around the world. The unique cultural framework and practices of the company brought the success and competitive edge to Google. It is way ahead from Microsoft and Yahoo in expansion product innovation. This essay discusses the relation Google's culture to its success. It also highlights the challenges which Google may face due to these cultural characteristics (

Google is one of the most renowned companies which are admired by many around the ...
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