Managing In Human Resource

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Managing in Human Resource

Managing in Human Resource


It is important and crucial of organization success to satisfy the continuously changing demands and needs of organizations and employees. The top level management or officers must develop strong bond and relationship between them for achievement of common goals. Both the parties have certain basic expectations from one another such as organization wants the employees to follow organization rules and regulation with regards to work as per the basic standards while employee expect organization to provide them with good working conditions, just and fair pay and incentive system, equal treatment, job security, autonomy in decision making. The above mentioned expectations are different in different organizations and therefore in order to develop a better understanding and identification of these expectations it is important to understand employee motivation. Employee motivation is can be both internal and external and rewarding their performance plays an important role in motivating an employee to work with commitment and dedication without having the need to monitor and guide then continuously (Beer et al, 1984). In the current scenario, organization performance and outcomes are mainly dependent upon the motivational level of employees. Therefore, it is crucial for every organization to find out and identify the factors that are helpful in improving employee motivation so that a relevant and effective reward system can be put in place in order to achieve better results. It is the right and suitable combination of both material and immaterial rewards that can be helpful in boosting employee motivation and commitment towards their job and organization.


Employee motivation is an important part of an organization development, progress and success and in order to achieve excellent organizational outcomes, it is extremely important for every organization to understand the factors that increase employee motivation and job satisfaction. Identification of the motivational factors is one of the most challenging tasks as every employee in an organization is an individual and is supposedly motivated by different things. One of the best ways to enhance employee motivation is to design and develop a functional and effective reward system that actually improves the worker motivation by addressing the exact needs and desires of employee that play an important role in triggering employee motivation. The relevant rewards system is basically developed with the help of organization policies, strategies and philosophy that may vary from one organization to another. Research suggests that it is one of the most challenging and daunting tasks for organization management to identify and combine the policies and practices of organization with that of his contribution, qualification, skills and competency level (Mikander, 2010, pp. 10).

The most effective and common way of identifying the motivating factors in order design an effective rewards systems is possible with the help of the line manager to whom the employee is directly reporting to. In majority of organizations the common process of reward system and human resource policies of the organization are explained to the employee by their managers. In such a situation, manager must be well trained in ...
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