Managing Human Resources

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Managing Human Resources

Table of Contents


Human Resource Management3

Recruitment Function of Human Resource Management in Health and Social Care4

Recruitment and Retention in Health and Social Care organization5

Job Description7

Annual Reviews7

Management by objectives8

Strategies of Health and Social Care organization for Building Teams9

Team Norms and Contracts9

Team Meetings10

After the Meeting10

Assigning Roles10

Monitoring and Promoting Development in the Health and Social Care Organization11

Motivating Dysfunctional Team12


Managing People Working in the Health and Social Care13

Benefits of Participation14


Managing Human Resources


The management of human resource defines the success or failure of any company. This area of human resource received attention of many researchers since past few decades. The researches in this regard disclosed that a firm can only get success or achieve its objectives in present competitive environment, if it is equipped with skilled and motivated human resource capital. Health and social care industry on the other hand is completely reliant on the quality human resource, as in this sector performance of employees is directly linked with the revenues and growth of the business.

Human Resource Management

Before moving further towards explanation of the problem it is necessary to understand what areas human resource actually covers, under what framework so that it could become easier to understand and address all the relevant issues, along with suggesting policies. The human resource management is the set of measures implemented to ensure the company always a match between its resources and staffing requirements, both quantitatively as qualitatively.

In fact, it appears that human resource management focuses on two variables: (a) quantitative aspect: the quantity of labour input available to a firm should match its needs; (b) qualitative aspect: the available labour must also possess the skills necessary for the company. This articulation of these two aspects comes later in the various areas relating to human resource management:

Management personnel compensation: who may be complicated by the increasing share of the compensation will correspond to the base salaries of employees (bonuses, participation ...)

Career Management: passing between each other by training employees and the establishment of a promotion procedure allowing employees to progress within the company;

Administrative management: ranging from entry formalities of the employee in the company managing the various relationships that link the business with the government;

Workforce Management: Who keeps the balance between needs and resources company personnel (recruitment plan and layoff plan, among other things)?

Task 1

Recruitment Function of Human Resource Management in Health and Social Care

It is the prime responsibility of hr personnel to recruit right person at right position in health and social care, as hiring inappropriate candidate for the job might result as poor performance and productivity and in this industry only those people can be proven beneficial who has will to work for the people. Thus, the importance of recruitment functions increases in this field. On the other hand, once the potential staff is hired there is a need to retain it, as the cost recruitment process involves is high as well as if an organisation losses a potential employee, than business might have to suffer from ...
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