Managing Human Resource

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HRM at St Patrick's Nursing Home

Learning Objective 1 & 21

1.1)Factors to Consider When Planning the Recruitment1

1.2)Adjustment with Recruitment and Selection Procedures and Policies2

1.3)Evaluation of Different Approaches3

2.1)Theories of How Individuals Interact in Groups4

2.2)Approaches to Develop and Promote Effective Team Working5

Learning Outcome 36

3.1)Ways of Monitoring Progress6

Be Honest and Open6

Keep in Touch6

Interesting, Engaging and Challenging Goals7

Give Praise7

Motivate, Motivate and Motivate7

3.2)Identification of Training and Development Needs8

3.3)Strategic Analysis to Sponsor the Lifelong Growth9

Learning Outcome 410

4.1)Theories of Leadership applicable to Health and Social Care10

Behavioral Theory10

Transactional Leadership10

Transformational Leadership11

Situational Leadership11

Vroom-Yetton Contingency Model11

4.2)Working relationships at St-Patrick's Nursing Home12

4.3)Evaluation of own Development13


Learning Objective 1 & 2

Factors to Consider When Planning the Recruitment

As an HR official, I need to assess the prevailing HR strategies at St. Patrick's and suggest some improved ones to make things better for the company. Planning recruitment for any organization is an imperative step for acquiring the needed competency that in turn helps organizations achieves their goals. The most ideal recruitment plan must have gone through comprehensive Job analysis, JS-Job specification and JD-Job description. The management first of all must align the recruitment team who should establish deep analysis of what they are expecting from particular positions. It has to have a list of required skills, qualification and other competencies.

Most recruitment strategies fail because the recruiters fail to collect the right pool of candidates, unable to analyze the actual need and dare to be different from the current trends in the sector. The HR (Human Resources) is a separate department that deals in supply the needed workforce. Later after the thorough analysis the recruitment team specifies the description of the job for the opening. Then the team prepares a priority list against which the candidates are selected. JD must have the defined set of professional qualification with legal documentation. There is a pool of candidates prepared on the basis internal and external referrals. Referrals are recommendations for the candidates that are invited by the management and recruitment team to ensure the best selection.

It has to prepare some screening questions that are necessary filter the redundancy in skills. To examine the behavior there are behaviorally based tests. There are recruitment strategies like use referrals, social media, think outside the box, job fairs, attending industry conferences and internships. The recruitment and selection cost has to be incurred in any case. The management must ensure the prevalence of equal rights regardless of gender and demographics (Borrill et al., 1999).

Adjustment with Recruitment and Selection Procedures and Policies

For every criterion St. Patrick Nursing Home has to ensure that they must not contradict the UK legislation and policies regarding recruitment in health and social care services. However, they need to bring some changes in their recruitment system in which they must include test policy. Test policy implies onto an establishment of assessments to identify the core competencies and skills. The UK legislation is clear about the discrimination policy which includes direct and indirect.

The UK labor law especially in case of healthcare services is labor-oriented and tends to defend the rights of ...
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