Managing High Performance

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Managing High Performance

Managing High Performance

Unit 2 Individual Project Managing High Performance

Question 1 - Employee Empowerment

Employee empowerment can lead to performance improvement along with reduction in span of control. Ethical leaders must create situations and environment for employee empowerment by placing them in jobs and assigning them task that support their productivity and growth. This also increases their job satisfaction and loyalty. Otherwise, employees might experience discontent and structured job resulting from lack of authority (Doughty, 2004).

According to various researches, employee empowerment gives greater motivation to employees who are given the responsibility. They are given the opportunities to input their efforts in job design by offering creative ideas and concepts. Therefore, many organizations these days consider granting significant amount of empowerment to its workers in order to work better.

Question 2 - Pros from Perspective of Employee

Empowerment usually increases the motivation level of employees. This enables them to perform well in their job. The employee secures a state of taking decision within his domains and area of expertise. This grants in a sense of ownership and boosts his morale. According to studies, employees who have given the authority of decision making shows improved performance (Hayes, 1994). The employees who are thoroughly aware of their area of expertise can understand the related situations and take better actions according to their understanding. The employees with power and liberty to take actions bear the accountability of using the power appropriately.

Question 3 - Pros from Perspective of Supervisor

Empowerment has influence on employees which enhances their performance and compels them to work better. Ultimately, the quality of the organization improves. This provides many advantages from the perspective of supervisors. It reduces the stress from the supervisor by delegating the decision making authority to its subordinates and employees. This reduces the span of control which consequently results in increased effectiveness on focused employees. The supervisor can conveniently manage the workplace with less pressure of controlling the entire employee base instead of delegating authority. Many supervisors who have distinctive departments with large employee base have empowered employees systematically and organized the tasks related to their level of delegation (Ugboro, 2006).

Question 4 - Relationship between Employee Empowerment & Theory X & Theory Y Style of Management & Decision-Making Process

The power and authority of employees impacts the decision making process on various levels. The delegation of decision making authority motivates the employees and influences the style of management. ...
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