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Table of Contents



Operational Performance With Respect to Managerial Performance and Effectiveness3

Appraisal, Performance Management system and Procedures5

Performance Management5

Objectives of Performance Management System5

Performance Appraisal6

360 Degree Appraisal7

Case Study of Managerial Performance8





In this highly competitive and rapidly advancing world, organizations need to efficiently manage themselves to sustain successful. This management is based on the effective performers of organization's managers. In order to achieve successful operational performers, effective mangers are essential. As effective mangers not only mange their performances, but also mange employees in a way that makes them achieve higher successful goals for the organization.

One of the aspects of managing employees effectively is develop efficient performance management system. It helps in identifying, measuring, managing, and developing the performance of the human resources in an organization. Appraisals are used to measure employees performance, these appraisals gives supervisors an opportunity to review employee's performance over time and helps them in managing their performance level. One of the most successful and effective appraisal is 360 degree feedback. It gathers the information on of an employee from different sources, usually these sources are colleagues, customers, or direct reports. The basic advantage of this system is that it provides better information of individual's performance, skills, or working relationships than traditional appraisal systems that just rely on supervisor's assessment. Hence, allover successful management of an organization is crucial to manager's ability in developing such procedures which can enhance the employees growth and in broader term organizational growth.


Operational Performance With Respect to Managerial Performance and Effectiveness

Operational Performance Management involves the combination of a set of process and an improvement methodology in order to optimize the performance of business (Morris, 2009, n.d). As operational performance deals with the measurement of company's performance against the benchmarked indicators of efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental responsibility like regulatory compliance, productivity, and others ( Therefore, its management relates to organizing, automatic, and analyzing business strategies, processes, and systems that drive business processes (Morris, 2009, n.d).

According to Gary Crilley research, it is evident from different management studies that managers play an important role in achieving effective operational performance ( It is managers that impact the overall environment and bring up the right strategies to achieve efficient operational performance in the organization. Thus, in order to achieve effective operational performance, efficient managerial performance is required. The mangers who can identify the needs of employees in a high-performance workplace can bring the operational effectiveness. Different conflicts and frustrations among employees can arise due to work related stress. Therefore, effective management is needed in order to create the environment that can enhance employee's performance. To achieve effective operational performance, management needs to recognize abilities of employees and should take initiatives to support them through advancement, personal development, or other actions. Through management can change a stressful environment into high performance environment that will result in operational effectiveness (Ramjee, 2012, n.d).

Operational effectiveness is one of the major approaches to achieve high performance in an organization. However, this approach needs managers to be well effective and to manage the employees ...
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