Managing Diversity & Equal Opportunity

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Managing Diversity & Equal Opportunity

Managing Diversity & Equal Opportunity


In this paper, we consider how organizations need to adapt to the changing workforce and learn what they will need to do in the future to fully benefit from diversity. From a business perspective, organizations implement diversity initiatives for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they implement these changes to avoid costly lawsuits and negative publicity; or to attract and retain a wider pool of employees, especially in a tight labour market; or to improve customer and supplier relationships; or to improve workplace performance.

The Management of Diversity helps and encourages companies to take an active role in social integration of foreigners, including in its methodology, the philosophy of CSR and diversity management. Diversity policies are focused on managing and valuing differences, whether in a company, school or a public utility, to give everyone the same opportunities for development and that everyone can participate fully in society. Diversity management in business organizations is something that comes from the “rules”, but also is a bet that many companies do to enhance and promote diversity in their teams for the benefits (Cox, 1991: 34-47).


The employment world is changing: there are demographic trends, several generations living together under one roof business and labor, the impact of technology, the increase in the number of women managers, etc. The workforce in organization has changed dramatically over the last fifteen years. The similarity or homogeneity has been replaced by the difference or heterogeneity. In turn, the effective managerial styles and behaviors in the past are no longer appropriate now to consider new values, stereotypes, prejudices and beliefs. All these developments and trends require the creation and implementation of management strategies that bring together diversity and responsive to the needs of different groups and profiles present in organizations, as well as customers and relationships with our environment (Hubbard, 2001: 45-78).

Benefits of Diversity through HRM:

Within the legal framework and routine work, diversity and the challenge that is required by the management of the the organization involves going beyond the need to comply with the rules, and integrate employees of different races, genders, ages, beliefs or lifestyles. Among the benefits that Francoise' plan (diversity facilitation through HRM) can achieve are:

Helping to create links between internal and external aspects of the work of a company.

Attraction, recruitment and management of employees with different backgrounds and talented professionals.

Reduced labor costs.

Contribution to the flexibility and individual responsibility of employees.

To encourage involvement, work ethic and the "discretionary effort" of employees.

Enhance the effect of technological change and globalization.

Strengthening innovation and creativity.

Developing knowledge on how to function in diverse cultures.

Increased understanding of customer needs.

Assistance in developing new products, services and marketing strategies.

Improved image and reputation of the company externally.

Generating prospects for underprivileged crowds, and promoting social unity (Brennan, 1989: 78-105).

For the the organization, in The organization diversity management is thus necessary to compete in the world and current global ...
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