Enhancing Performance and Motivation in Multinational Companies through Managing Diversity: A Study of Entourage Management Security
1.1Background to the Research1
1.1.1 About the company1
1.1.2 Diversity why is important2
1.1.3 Introduction to Organization4
1.1.4 Significance of the Problem4
1.1.5 Statement of Purpose5
1.1.6 Statement of Problem5
1.1.7 Aim of Research & Objectives6
1.1.8 Research Questions6
2.1 Introduction8
2.2 Creativity and innovation8
2.3 Motivation10
2.4 Flexibility of the system11
2.5 Problem solving13
2.6 Better corporate image16
2.7 Performance16
2.8 Language19
2.9 Turnover20
2.10 lawsuits and diversity22
2.11 Growth for business opportunities22
2.12 Cultural impending diversity management23
Background to the Research
Increasing workforce diversity poses new and challenging managerial issues. Yet many organizations are ill-equipped to cope with these challenges and we in academe can offer few insights beyond well-intentioned theory, despite widespread recognition of the diversity problem. The costs of failing to address issues of diversity intelligently appear to be high. Yet, we are in danger of institutionalizing potentially inappropriate approaches to diversity. Even prime movers in multicultural management appear to be neither anticipating concrete nor bottom-line value from having an increasingly multicultural workforce or to be objectively assessing the effects of multiculturalism on performance (Del Boca 2009, p.147-171).
Current programs and policies have been developed in an environment of firms appearing to be humanitarian and to comply with human rights and affirmative action legislation. These origins may be particularly important since it appears that firms are not intending to substantively change their approaches to managing diversity, approaches that have been imprinted with largely symbolic objectives (De Gieter 2009, p.843-854).
1.1.1 About the company
Entourage security management is company that provides security services to various events. The company is located in United Kingdom. Over the last few years the company has developed reputation in security management. They have best available personnel, best equipments and latest technology that are required to guard an event or any individual. They provide first class training to their individuals and through multi disciplinary teams the form comprehensive security ranges.
Their aim of the top security management company is achieved by their own standards and dynamics that they have developed over the past few years. They are capable of making strategies leading towards top security protocols that are required for all type of situations.
1.1.2 Diversity why is important
In a recent study of organizations considered to be multicultural management leaders, Fischoff (2006) found that none planned to introduce new initiatives for managing diversity. Most were focusing on improving or trying to implement current initiatives. Ideally, strategic plans for managing diversity would be based on data assessing the effects of current policies and practices, and on sound empirically substantiated criteria for assessing alternative courses of action. Despite the need for empirical data, research to inform organizations as they face the tough decisions about managing diversity that they must face has been mostly conceptual. Empirical work has been too broad to be useful in a practical sense (Connolly 2009, p.76-97).
According to Friedman (2006), the only clear exception to this is research that illustrates a relatively robust positive association between personal attribute and ability diversity and ...