Managing Csr In The Wider Environment

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Managing CSR in Wider Environment & Climate Change Issue in BP

Managing CSR in Wider Environment & Climate Change Issue in BP

Task 1: Discuss the economics of adopting the policy of environmental awareness for BP

Response to BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was fast, as they try to soften the fact that public relations nightmare. BP habit of cutting corners to save money, cost eleven people, their lives and production of ecological and economic disaster of huge proportions. This company has a history of environmental violations and, as recently in 2005 another 15 people died as a result of inadequate safety measures(Amabile, 2006, p1154).

Huge oil spills and accidents on oil platforms occur every few years to human life lost, seafood and tourism suffered greatly, and ecosystems are destroyed. Warning would have been better, but at least a system designed to deal with accidents thought out and ready to go.

BP response to the spill, while fast, has shown that an effective plan for the worst case scenario has not been thought out. Much of the answer is to try things without having any idea whether or not they will work. To be surprised by the oil spill is lax. This is not unexpected natural disaster, or the work of terrorists. This is what can happen when the inevitable comes to security is much lower profits(Amabile, 2006, p1154).

Their efforts to attempts to limit the spill, so far unsuccessfully, dispersing stains with chemicals, and agree to cover some of the huge expenses, including compensating some of those whose livihoods were destroyed.

Attempt to limit the leak with a huge dome was ambitious and would have not only contained, but even allowed the oil that should be used. But something on this scale has not been done before, and the technology is not ready enough. The result was that it did not work and thousands and thousands of gallons of oil continues to flow into the Gulf of Mexico.

The use of chemical dispersants to prevent some of the oil reaching the fragile coastal ecosystems and washing on the beach. The main problem with this is that they really are extremely toxic in themselves. It's not just oil that is killing sea life, are chemicals used to try to sort the problem. Long-term effects of these dispersants are not fully understood.

Recent efforts include trying to stop using oil mainly from the debris. Attempts are being made to seal the leak with the "junk shot. Were at the time of writing (mid-May 2010) are also efforts being made to pipe a lot of oil to the surface. It remains to be seen whether this will be any more successful than the dome(Anonymous, 2002, p3).

BP is trying, unsuccessfully, as well as to try and pass on some of the blame on the contractors. A recent episode of finger pointing has done nothing to improve the image of any of them. Overall responsibility lies with the BP, although the ...
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