Management In The Wider Environment

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Management in the Wider Environment

Management in the Wider Environment

Globalization means increased association, expansion of various social, economic and political factors along with the growing interdependence of all societies together promoted by increased financial and communication flows. Globalization has received benefits from the rapid development of two sectors, considering the mainstays of modern society: the financial markets and the media. The financial statements are immaterial, immediate, permanent and global with instant exchange day and night, data from one extreme to another. In this global financial market, the major collectors and at the same time recipients of funds are the rich countries. Media consists of a knowledge revolution that is added to the rapid and massive distribution of information. In the economic dimension of globalization, it can be understood as a new phase of expansion of the capitalist system that is characterized by the opening of national economies to increase international trade, expand financial markets and the geographical reorganization of production. The ongoing search for comparative advantage that gives priority to technological innovation boosts emergence of high unemployment and falling wage levels. (Appadurai, 1996, pp.35-49)

Globalization has become very common in the justification of any measure or in the interpretation of changes that occur both in public and private. Its spread seems to derive from one's own ability to explain the task force for a number of changes that occur and creates an impact on everyday's life with extraordinary toughness. Globalization appears to be the most important issue of social sciences since the late 90's. The key phrase is repeated continually to refer to the challenges posed by globalization, and also appears as the main justification for public policies to be adopted by unpopular people. In this phenomenon, the views are very diverse, where there is a position that is absolutely true and they are in the rough field of opinion, and this is the reason why everyone tries to analyze the main arguments for and against the development of globalization process. (Bendix, 1976, pp.46-71)

Globalization is a heterogeneous phenomenon that applies to goods, services, capital and, quite unequal to men. The forces of global economy destroys the bonds of solidarity between citizens, further enrich the highly qualified while others condemn the deterioration of living standards, particularly those with a production job or service and they condemn a more unstable and weak earnings. The gap opens between rich and poor and the dispossessed of the world plunged into poverty to a growing number of people in the Third World. (Christopher, 1998, pp.55-67)

Despite all the promises of the 90s, that globalization reduced poverty in the world and it increased the number of poor since then to almost one hundred million people. In the same period it increased world income by an average of 2.5 percent. In Africa, Asia, Latin America, Russia and other transition economies, globalization and the introduction of market economy did not bring the expected gains. On the contrary, globalization led to a poverty level that ...
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