Managing Communications, Knowledge And Information

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Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information

Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information

Part 1

This paper focus on effective management od Nike in communication, utilizing knowledge and information to effectively perform in the business. Different aspects are analyzed by using various tools to check how effective is Nike in manging its communications, knowledge and information.


Nike - in business

In 1964, Nike was established by Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS) by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman. BRS was initially involved in the distribution of Japan based products named Onitsuka Tiger in the western part of United Stated. Later they transformed their relationship into partnership in 1966. The company further grew by establishing their first outlets in Eugene, Oregon.

The trademark of the business which is swoosh and the new brand name of the company Nike was formed in 1971. Currently Nike is effectively involved in the development, designing and marketing of various fashion accessories, equipments and apparels. Mainly Nike sells it products through retail stores, licensees and distributors. Nike sells its product in more than 190 countries. Nike divided its business in six divisions that are divided into geographical regions. Products of Nike are divided into four main categories which are footwear, equipment, apparel and other.

Nike takes out its marketing activities in various ways. Nike promotes its brand through various renowned players. It also markets their product by sponsorships. Jordon Air is one of the key examples for promoting and marketing their brand (Burrow & Bosiljevac, 2009, pp. 55-65). Jordan Air is the renowned brand of the Nike and is associated with basketball player. It contributes significant amount in overall sales of the Nike.

For businesses and organization to grow, business requires strong customer relationships. That is why the concept of marketing is considered an important aspect for the growth of the business. This is the important activity that directly affects the sales and recognition of the business and by achieving this effectively results in significant growth of the business. Generally, if the business is having good marketing plan then it results in significant growth of the business and without effective marketing business can get into trouble. It is to mention here that brilliant and quality products and services without having effective marketing plan cannot get the desired result (Carbasho & Westport, 2010, pp. 47-63). In this paper marketing effectiveness is analyzed of Nike on the bases of information provided and researched.


Effectively managing the communication, knowledge and information play significant role in success of the business in which marketing plays a major role. With effective marking, business communicates its message to its customers, marketing surveys brings information and knowledge for the business to alter its product in a way to better serve its customers. Therefore effective management of information, communication and knowledge plays important role for the success of the business.

Marketing is considered as an import part of the business as it puts in hugely towards the success of the business. Distribution and production is widely depending on the marketing activity of the ...
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