Managing Communications, Knowledge And Information

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Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information


Assignment 1-Report 12

P1& P2: Decisions to be made and information and knowledge required2

P3: Internal and External Sources of Information and Understanding3

P4: Methods for Selecting and Analysing Information Needed for Business Start-ups4

Assignment 1-Report 24

P5: Stakeholders for the Decision Making Process4

P6: Developing Business Relationships with the Stakeholders5

P7: Plan to Involve the Stakeholders6

P8: Strategies for Improvement7

Assignment 2-Case Study7

P9: Existing Process of Communication within the Organisation7

P10 & P11: Ways to Improve Appropriateness8

P13 & P14: Improvement for the Collection, Formatting, Storage and Dissemination of Information and Knowledge9

P15: Access to Systems of Information and Knowledge10

P12: Personal Plan to Improve Communication Skills11



Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information


Communication in the organisations is one of the fundamental activities and function which affects the effectiveness of all the other tasks. Owing to the importance and benefits of effective communication in the organisations, most organisations have started to develop proper ways to ensure that the communication takes place in the organisation in the best possible manner. The aim of this report is to cascade light on some of the important aspects and dimensions related to managing communication, information and knowledge within the organisation.

The report is divided into two parts. Part one is the assignment one which is related to the communication, information and knowledge with regards to the starting of a new retail business. Assignment one is further subdivided into two reports. Report one relates to the decisions and information and knowledge required at the time of starting up a business. Report two relates to the stakeholders that are involved in the decision process at the time of starting up a new business.

Part two of this report is assignment two which entails a case study. The case study is related to a small voluntary organisation in which there occurred significant problems because of inadequate communication processes and methods employed in the organisation. The report analyses the situation and identifies the existing procedures for proposing a solution. The solution discusses ways in which these problems could have been avoided by improving the communication processes.

Assignment 1-Report 1

P1& P2: Decisions to be made and information and knowledge required

Carrying out a business entails significant and crucial decision making in different dimensions and different aspects. This decision making is also important when starting up a new business. Setting up a new business entails a number of significant decisions to be taken by the parties responsible for starting the business. These decisions relates to the financial matters, the structural matters, operational matters and the legal matters (Benjamin & McDowall, 2010, pp.21-23).

Different important and crucial decisions that are to be made when setting up a business entail deciding on the type and nature of the business to be initiated keeping in view the profitability from various businesses (Smith, 2013, pp.12-13). Another important decision is related to the location of the new business. This is an important decision since it is dependent on a number of factors such as proximity to the suppliers and ...
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