Managing Communication

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Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information


Communication skills are very important for every organization in order to make progress. Effective communication can help in bringing harmony among employer and employees. This paper also briefly describe about how one can enhance its communication skills. This also tells how restaurant managers can use effective communication skills for managing their restaurant business. It also includes the communication system of Unilever.


Verbal Communication3

Non-verbal Communication3

Communication skills3

Content Delivery4

Precise Conversation5


Customer Service5

Receiving Feedback6

Convincing Skills6

Face To Face Communication6

SMART Objective technique7

Basics of communication needed to learn7

Participation skills7

Organizational Skills8

Self-Reflective Summary8

Communication process of Unilever9

Internal Environment9

External Environment10

Ways to Improve communication Purposes10




Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information


Communication is defined as a process of sharing one's own ideas, experiences, knowledge, feelings, thoughts and problems with the other person. It also involves understanding other's ideas. There are two types of communication.Verbal Communication

Verbal Communication involves an individual's speaking skills, voice, tone and language.Non-verbal Communication

Non verbal communication skills involve body language, gestures, postures, facial expressions and actions.

Both types of communication skills are necessary for an effective communication. A person should have to concentrate on both verbal and nonverbal communications while conversation.

Communication skills

The five important communication skills which I need to have as an owner of my outlet are:Encoding Messages

I should need to clearly send messages to my subordinates. It means that I have to clearly communicate them the standards, goals and expectations of the job description. I need to communicate various rules and regulations of the business to the subordinates and ask them about their feedback. Two way communication is important because it enables an employer and employee both to understand each other's problems (Raedeke & Burton, 2008, pp.n.d).I can send and receive messages effectively to my subordinates which helps me in understanding their problems and issues. It is very necessary for my position to be in contact with my employees. Effective communication with my employees helps me in increasing productivity (Raedeke & Burton, 2008, pp.n.d).

Verbal and Non verbal Channels

I should avoid using harsh words and authoritarian behaviour with my employees. I try my level best to use those words which can motivate my employees to work. Non-verbal behaviour also plays an important role in communication. One should avoid using unnecessary nonverbal behaviours in communication.

By using proper verbal and non-verbal behaviours, I can leave a good impression on my employees. I should know about the meanings of the nonverbal behaviours which can help me in sending inappropriate messages (Raedeke & Burton, 2008, pp.n.d).

Content Delivery

I can deliver my thoughts clearly to my employees. I should not hurt my employees by using emotional words or behaviours. A person should have to use proper words in sending a message. I should know what information I am sending and how I am delivering my message. I should make delivery of my thoughts and ideas clear so that my employees can understand what they have to do. I should use easy wording and language which can be accessible to all.

Effective Messages Sending

Sending proper and effective communication is also an important part of the communication ...
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