Managing Business Facilities

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Managing Business Facilities

Managing Business Facilities


The scenario comprises of being a facilities manager and understanding all the activities which must be performed and all the behavior which must be depicted by the facilities management within an institution. The discussion also focuses on the relationship between the space planning and the business needs. The management of room allocation poses some problems and constraints which are some problems. The impact on the role of facilities management by the health, safety, environmental issues and the ethics are also discussed.

Role as the facilities manager

The role of the facilities manager is valuable and very important where all the management is dependent on the facilities manager. A facilities manager has many bosses and people whom they are responsible to report on the hourly or daily basis. The facilities manager has the right to justify his decisions and presence in certain situations. He must also expect for a quick response in the timely and professional way. Facilities manager has the role to ensure that the business operations and their daily functions within the institution are running smoothly without any interruptions. For the education college, the roles of the facilities management includes room allocation and space planning, porterage and janitorial support, car parking management, cleaning services, security within and around the buildings and front office and reception activities (Barrett, 2009).

To understand the role of the facilities manager it is important to analyze their performance tasks. The main responsibilities of facilities managers include the building maintenance, services, security and ground keeping for the application of physical operation of the faculty. Overall, the role of facilities manager includes looking over everything from the light bulbs to the trash removal, general security to the cleanliness all around. all the governance and the corporate entities of the employees and outside vendors rests upon the facilities managers where they do every type of maintenance and as such the responsibility to assure the work completeness with minimal inconveniences rests on them in a cost effective way (Conroy, 2009).

The facilities management is also known as peoples business where good relationship has to be maintained between the parties; in case of any issue the role is of the problem solver. The facilities manager can also play the role of negotiations, structural modifications and extra amenities above the standard base. An exemplary facilities management within an institution is almost invisible; they play a competent service with minimal distraction and interference within the daily operations. On several occasions, the facilities manager works as the mediators within the disputes which is quite adept. The main role of facilities management includes the promotion of professional environment which is favorable for the business practices they mean to serve. The services provision of the facilities management is important to the clients and removes any burden for the concentration of the individuals only on the business concerns.

The roles and responsibilities of the facilities manager lie with the management of services and support provisions to the business cores of the ...
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