Manager's Expectations

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Manager's Expectations

Manager's Expectations


A manager is considered as a backbone of an organization. A manager is a person who is responsible to look after one or more employees, volunteers, interns and departments. Monitoring and guidance are also included in the job description of a manager. He is also responsible to organize the resources and expenses of an organization. His roles and responsibilities differ depending on the organization.

Responsibilities of a Manager in Clinical Settings

A manager is accountable for several purposes and responsibilities. He should be well aware of the process and about the organization. He should review all steps of planning and should set some goals and objectives for the organization. Responsibility becomes much greater in the case of hospital or clinical settings. A manager working in a hospital should be more responsible than a manager working in any other organization. It is his duty to report all the duties and objectives for each of the position especially in intensive care unit or emergency (Foreacre, 2012).

A manager should communicate and establish performance standards. He should revise performance agreement and review all the responsibilities and standards with each employee. Encouragement is another major responsibility of a manager. He should encourage his employees at every step. He should make sure that expectations are clear and understood by employees. He should work on staff empowerment as it will ease the work on both sides (Foreacre, 2012).

Monitoring is said to be the most important responsibility of a manager. He should provide regular coaching and support to the employees for better performance. Guidance will help the staff members to improve their capabilities. He should monitor the performance of his employees throughout the year. He should acknowledge them through feedback or in clinical meetings. A manager should gather performance data from all available sources. Feedback will help in the encouragement of employees (Foreacre, 2012).

A manager should determine how to enhance and develop the knowledge, abilities and skills of his employees. He should support them in creating a plan and opportunities. He should facilitate personal development meetings with his employees. Management of hospital records is another very important responsibility of a manager (Hanson, 2008).

A manager should possess excellent communication skills because he is responsible to deal with his employees and administration. Good interpersonal skills will improve the confidence of employees and helps in avoiding communication barriers. He should set up some meetings for the evaluation of the employees. Meetings will help a manager to provide feedback in an organized way. He can thoroughly talk about success and failure in the conference. He should explore problem areas with an open mind. A manager should consider all aspects of the performance and assess progress of the employees. A manager should not be biased or racial. He should maintain absolute equality among his staff. Maintaining equality will help a manager in retention of his staff (Waters, 2012).

Good behavior and efficient decision making will increase the satisfaction level of employees and administration. Employees will feel valued, and a ...
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