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Activity Of Sport Managers And Customers' Expectations

[Institute's Name]Activity of Sport Managers and Customers' Expectations


It may not be apparent or of much significance to a naïve mind, but the imperativeness of synchronization, astute management, utmost organization and discipline are the pivotal ingredients for the success and right direction in the sports administration. Interestingly, the most important and viable factors, absence of which can result in improper functions and lack of coordination, as well as bafflement for involved parties. However, before getting in to an in depth and profound argument, it is imperative to comprehend the basic and prime connotations that are subtly attributed to the specifications of sports. Sports eloquently denote and signify the activities involving utmost competition and physical exertion; where it is even believed to be the professional occupation of the athletes, who take this profession against the money that they get.

Now bearing in mind the previously stated connotation, it can quite comfortably be stated that such physical exertion and competition cannot take place in haywire; it requires utmost organization and well defined management. Hoverer, the phenomenon of sports simply does not revolve around only a single activity; rather it is an aggregation and assembly of multifaceted activities. Therefore, the prime objective of this assignment revolves around the understanding of those activities and pen down the imperativeness and possible benefits that particular activity may render.

Sport Management

From a professional point of view, sports management is believed to be a formal and rather specialized domain of education that lays a pivotal role in accentuating on the business facet of the sports. Interestingly, sports management and the officials involved in it under take a verity of roles and forms which may extend from being the front desk official, to belong to event management, college sports management and professional management.

Sports Management: Customers Expectations

As subtly pointed out in the introductory section, sports in a person's life can find its place in numerous manners. For some, it is a professional routine, some take it as a leisure activity in their free time, for many it is part of their extracurricular activities at college, many relish the essence of sports by watching it on television or field, and for others it may hold a totally different connotation, and may be a lucrative form of business for them for providing their consumers their sport requirements and benefitting from their needs (Lewis, 2004, p. 6).

Yet another form, which pertains to take sports into a business oriented activity falls under the domain of the leisure and sports fitness club facilities. These facilities not only accentuate on well being and healthy living, but also fulfill the sporting and relevant needs of their respective consumers. However, before further elaboration in this activity or aspect of sports manager is rendered, it is highly imperative and rather needed that the naïve mind in brought in accordance with the acute and concrete specifications of the term sports management and the pivotal role and responsibilities of a sports manager, in this ...
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