Managerial Theories

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The paper shall help us understand the context and importance of managerial theories that have been undertaken for the purpose and objective of making effective organization function around the world. In today's modern era of rapid development, iterated growth and expansion, significant amends need to be undertaken in order to develop a close, well-knit organization that shall help grow and improve the wellness of the organization.

Theories of Management

Since management has been given the reputation of a science that works based on facts and figures, it is clear that all the heads that come underneath it cannot be covered in the context of this paper. Thus, we shall take up motivation as a key factor of concern, since motivation acts as a driving force for employees in any organization, be it be a small NGO functioning in a third-world countries or a multi-national corporation that has global operations in guest and host country. Motivation is defined as the driving force behind all activities of individuals within the organization. In terms of psychology, the general definition suggests the intention and persistent determination, often summarized as tenacity, which a person has in terms of achieving their goals and targets. What this drive does is help us align ourselves and mould our surroundings in terms of making greater amends in the name of goal achievement and help us undertake greater objectives in life. Whenever identifying such behaviours, there have been several synonyms associated with goal attainment; there are sometimes termed as in-built instinct, which help us identify motives and help us escalate in the name of modified learning, gain of knowledge and viable education and development.

Here, humans look upto their own surroundings for being motivated; when being keenly involved in today's modern world, usually people are struggling and in constant circulation in order to earn themselves a living, there are several motives such as fulfilment of basic necessities, such as food, clothing and shelter to make themselves stable and earn themselves a living. When eyeing these motives, these are considered primary objectives for all human beings since they have been working in the process of making useful contributions to improving their own lifestyle and at the same time contributing indirectly to the whole society (Celler, 1999,, 518).

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators: Frederick Herzberg

For in-depth learning and understanding of the theories that have been put forth, we shall be covering motivators of intrinsic and extrinsic notions by Frederick Herzberg as the prime source of understanding and learning the accounts of making viable contributions in the name of motivation. Frederick Herzberg has been a strong contributor and sociologist in the name of identifying motivational and thought processing patterns that have been prevalent in the name of the all the works that we have and practice today accordingly.

To understand and comprehend the relationship between motivation and attitudes of employees that are prevalent in the organization, Herzberg has performed several studies and analysis for the purpose of highlighting the core traits and ...
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