Managerial Dilemmas

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Managerial Dilemmas

Managerial Dilemmas


Stephen Richards Covey was an American author, educator, businessman and motivational speaker. The most popular book written by him was the Seven Habits of Highly effective People. Among his other books there are some famous titles like First Things First, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families and also this book called Principle-Centered Leadership and others. He was the professor at Utah State University at the time of death.

From the research of Stephen R Covey about leadership, it was observed that people got eight different discernible characteristics and they are principle centered leaders. These characteristics don't only belong to effective leaders but for all of us they serve as a sign of progress.

Convey has identified eight characteristics of Centered Leaders and they are as follows.

They are in continuous learning

Principle centered people are in continuous learning by self experiences. They take training, they read, they take classes, they have keen observation and they use all of their senses to learn. They are always asking questions out of curiosity. They are in continuous process of learning and they expand their abilities to do things.

They are service oriented

Those people who see their lives as principle centered see life as a mission and not as a career. They always think for others because they are prepared by their nurturing sources for service.

They radiate positive energy.

The people who are principle centered are cheerful, happy and pleasant. Their attitude is positive, optimistic and upbeat. Their spirit is hopeful, enthusiastic and believing

They believe in others

They believe in the potential of others and don't underestimate the potential of others. They don't overreact if they encounter a negative criticism or behavior by someone because they know that they can also have weaknesses. They easily forgive and forget the offences done by others to them.

They lead balanced lives

They are good at interpersonal skills and have health sense of humor. They laugh with others and not at others. They are socially active people

They perceive life as an adventure

Principle-centered people savor life. They are protective to others because they feel secured from inside and try to provide security to others. They like to enjoy live and experience new things

They are synergistic

Synergy is a state in which the whole is greater than adding up the parts. People who are principle centered are synergistic. They try to improve any situation that they get into and they are extremely productive ...
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