Management Strategy

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Management Strategy

Management Strategy


The main purpose of the strategic management is to create the differentiation between the functional units, corporate, business, enterprise and operational strategies of an organization. Thus, as per this level, the strategy plays a very important role in the development of an organization. It is helpful in providing a focused way to the organizations so that they can have a complete idea of the organizational objectives. It is necessary for the organizations to pay importance to the strategies of an organization and consider the strategies as logic behind the main actions to be taken. The organizations consider the strategies as a future positioning of a given organization. It is focused on making decisions regarding what should be done instead of finding the ways of how should be done. Strategy is mainly focused on determining the ways which can be adopted by the organization to get success in each and every field. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the statement that “Stable environments are used for providing favour to the perspective approaches to strategy on the other hand turbulent environment requires the emergent strategies”. The paper analyzes this statement with the help of different examples and the issues related to the organizational structures, decision making and social responsibility.


Strategy is considered to be a direction that determines the scope of an organization for a long period. The strategies are helpful for the organizations in gaining an edge over the competitors, identifying the scope of the activities of an organization and bringing changes in the environment of a business. The strategy also helps the businesses in identifying the value and expectations of the stakeholders. The stable environment of an organization is mainly based on the perspective approaches. On the other hand, the strategy lenses are mainly based on the main approaches of an organization. Thus, this paper is an explanation of the stable and turbulent environment while considering their issues and examples. Thus, the use of strategic management can be helpful in identifying the organization as a major organization. In the context of organization issues, there can be a great role of strategic management in terms of identifying the SWOT analysis, planning and positioning functions of an organization (Arieu, 2007, p. 12). The strategic consistency can be described by a situation in which there is a consistency of the organizational actions with the management's expectations which ultimately are helpful for the market. Along with considering the organizational management, strategic management is also focused on providing an analysis of the directors and stakeholders of an organization. Though, it is also based on the organizational structures. Thus, in order to analyze the statement that “Stable environments are used for providing favour to the perspective approaches to strategy on the other hand turbulent environment requires the emergent strategies” it is a good approach to have a complete overview of the stable environment and the turbulent environment.

Stable Environment

The stable environment is mainly focused on the perspective ...
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