Management Research

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Management Research

Management Research


This essay is based on the Management Research. Before any study, the purpose of the study must be carefully defined. I perceive that the purpose of the research is important because if the purpose of the research is not properly understood than the study will not be properly conducted and hence the results too will not be appropriate. Methodology is a logical organization of research activity that sets the approaches and benchmarks in its custody, the choice of means and methods of determining the best possible result. All human activity is characterized by the methodology. Research methodology plays a crucial role in the success (Flick, 2008).

I will use the primary and secondary research method for management research. The data gathered in the study is also very important. It is my duty to decide that what data will be gathered and in what quantity. The data in most of the researches is primary and secondary. The primary data includes the data from the questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. On the other hand, the data that is gathered using the secondary sources include the newspapers, magazines, journals and the internet. I will use both the primary and the secondary data. The primary data will be gathered with the help of the questionnaires and the interviews from the selected sample. On the other hand, the secondary data will be gathered from the past similar researches and the internet as well (Verschuren, 2010).

In this study, various tools will be employed in order to get the accurate and authentic information. There will be appropriate selection of the sample for the study. The subject of research is the problem. The problem is a real contradiction, which requires a permit.

Discussion and Analysis

The adopted methodology in the management research study will be based on secondary research and qualitative method for data collection because it is considered to be less costly as compared to other methods for data collection. This method is getting remarkably effective for the purpose of the study. It becomes more preferable for researchers in situations where valued measurement is not required. I will use the primary and secondary research method. The primary data collection technique will involve the questionnaire survey and interview techniques. The questionnaire will be based on closed ended Likert Scale. Similarly, interviews will be conducted to have a in-depth insight on research topic (Turner, 2007).

Qualitative methodology will be incorporated in the study in order to analyze the research objectives. This method will be used to analyze the past studies on the research topic. Data will be collected through different cyber sources including various libraries. These online libraries include EBSCO, Phoenix, Routledge, JSTOR etc. Data collected through the secondary sources is worthwhile and enables the researcher to provide deep insights into the study. There are various advantages of secondary research as I will be having enough data that would be taken into consideration and in this way I will be able to better justify the research ...
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