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Management Investigation & Report


Nestle, based in Switzerland, was founded by Henri Nestle in 1866. Nestle is a recognized world leader in nutrition and health business. Growing product Nestle line through innovation and renovation and maintains a balance in their geo-environmental activities and production lines. Opt for long-term performance rather than short-term goals. The company gives priority to bring the most relevant products to consumers in accordance with their needs, which will be useful throughout their lives. Nestle Company had started off from a single man's idea, and developed into a giant corporation. In 1866, Henri Nestle, a pharmacist, developed a formula milk food for infants who were unable to get their mother's milk. The product was a success and created a demand in Europe. Nestlé's popularity grew and more companies merge and become partners with business of Henri Nestle. From 1866-1947 Nestle has undergone several name changes. In 1905 joined the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. and Henri Nestle Lactee Farina, and the company was named Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. Then in 1929, Peter-Cailler-Kohler Chocolates suisses SA merged with the company. When the name was changed to Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Holding AS, 27 listopadu 1936th In December 1947, all capital What Nestle SA shares in exchange for Alimentana fifteen and fifteen shares Unilac Alimentana SA for each share, so this point was named Nestle SA Alimentana And finally the last change, business would be tolerated, in 1977 when the name Nestle SA are welcome. Nestlé's success continues, that will enable them to expand into new regions and territories worldwide, making it the world's largest food and beverage company. Nestle headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland, but the company Nestle has factories or operations in the country, almost the entire world. Given Nestlé's case was published in 1998, she said that Nestle servicing 230,000 people worldwide, with 71.7 billion U.S. dollars in sales. Now until 2003, Nestle increased the number of employees to 253,000 people, with 88 billion dollars in turnover ( Nestle is to increase the size of their business from year to year. Moreover, the increase in the size of Nestle, Nestle variety of products they offer. Business strategy of Nestle products that support growth through innovation and renewal. This strategy has enabled Nestle to many different products in different areas of development: baby food, milk, cereal, ice cream, chocolate and confectionery, ready meals, drinks, snacks, bottled water and pet care (Nestle, 2009,, 12 to 45).

Mission Statement.

As consumers continue to decisions about food and drinks they consume, to help Nestle choice for every individual taste and lifestyle preferences. Research is an important part of our heritage, and Nestle is a key element in our future. We know that there is still much to learn about health, wellness and the role of nutrition in our lives and we continue to seek answers to consumers' good food for a good life (Nestle, 2009,, 12 to 45).

Environment Analysis - ExternalThe Nestle Food Company has been part of ...
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