Management Information Systems

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Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems


The Management Information Systems are an integral part of business strategies, because communication and information is of great value in organizations. The quality of the decision made by the manager will depend on the quality and relevance of information available (Mishra, 2013). Therefore it is very important to invest in a MIS to provide rapid, accurate and mostly useful, that will guarantee a differentiated management structure, which will result in competitive advantage over other companies. For this project I am taking two companies which are Tesco and Wal-mart. These companies deal in retail business and utilizing management information system.


MIS Management Information Systems

Understanding the difference between these terms is of fundamental importance to obtain a good result in the organization. It is known that a company is a system with interconnected departments, i.e., each function depends on the other and understands the information relevant to each sector dialogue in the organization. (Venkatesh, 2013).These two companies are utilizing information management system to manage their businesses. In fact, data is a representation of elements which do not make sense at the beginning, for example, a number or a sequence "disordered" of numbers and letters / symbols. .

With the processing and optimization of data that we have the information is very important for organizations to be designed properly (Mishra, 2013). The information currently assumes importance, being a differentiator for successful optimization of results, as the lot of events compels organizations to face new scenarios, where information becomes critical.

It is the set of technologies that provide the means necessary for the operation of the processing of available data (Venkatesh, 2013). It is a system focused on the collection, storage, retrieval and processing of information used or desired by one or more executives in performing their activities. It is the process of transforming data into information that is used in decision-making structure of the company to provide administrative support to optimize the expected results.

Internal Operation Management

Wal-mart is utilizing a separate server system to save important information. The decision-making structure of the company in the context of managerial processes, classifies systems according to organizational problem solving that helps. The systems are classified as: system-level strategic knowledge, tactical and operational. Tesco is utilizing internal operation management to design their commutative strategies.

The information generated by the systems at a strategic level is used in setting the organization's strategic planning, or decision making ...
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