Management Information System

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Management Information System

Management Information System


Information technology has been growing rapidly over the last decade. In our ever increasingly competitive, technologically advanced and profit motivated global economy, all factions of the business community are searching for opportunities to strategically reduce inherent business and operational costs while systematically increasing their profitability and revenues. As a result, it is essential for today's business companies to implement Information Systems in their operation. A well established Information System can help a company operate its business efficiently and effectively. Hence, it is strongly recommended that today's companies implement the suitable Information System for the well-being and growth of their respective businesses.


 VideoBin Ltd, trading as VideoBin Ltd Chicken is a small chain of four restaurants, who deliver food to a large number of customers in and Leeds. There are about 64 employees at VideoBin Ltd working at the four restaurants. At present, the company is planning to implement  the Document Management System (DMS) which is intended for managing generation, processing, duplication and the storage of orders, as well as for organization and automation of the main procedures involved in company.

The first step in the project to install DMS in the Commercial Office which is responsible for:

customer services and new market(market research development             

 advertising and sales

 branch management

new technology project management

 The company has been largely using an inefficient paper based system for many years. When an order is to be delivered the paper has to be retrieved and there have been issues with the orders being delivered to the wrong addresses. There are also sometimes delays as the addresses need to be found. The other problem has been retrieval of past orders, which is lengthy and unreliable, hence creating inefficiencies that may be overcome with a more efficient system of operation. The business relies on providing customers with the right food at the right time, of the right quality. The delays in retrieving order details may result in customers failing to get the food they want, if the paper is difficult to read the kitchen may prepare the wrong dishes and orders may be relayed in their delivery to the right address which not only delays the food, but may also impact on the quality of the food. Therefore, the current problem may be seen as core operating areas in need of a new and improved process.



New Functional Requirements

·        full-scale routing and document flow scenario editors;

·         control for compliance with the document processing technology requirements;

·         follow-up control;

·         dynamic modification of the form and content of the registration data and registration procedure;

·        generation of any reporting forms;

·         processing of any electronic objects;

·        support of database server corporate standard;

·        support of distributed corporate networks;

·         certified encoding and digital signature tools;

·         search possibilities (full-text indexing, context search);

Proposed Approach to System Acquisition

With the implementation of DMS the company has considereds several options and recommend in-house development a new system based on Lotus Notes;

In-house development will be the best choice:

       ( the company has ...
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