Management Information System

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Management Information System

Management Information System


The organization which are selected in this paper are Barnes and noble and Amazon. Both the companies are using the information system of such a large scale. Barnes and noble is a bookseller company and Amazon on the other hand is a retail giant of the industry. Both the company is like the market leaders of the industry. For making themselves in the market and counterstriking the competition faced by the market, both of them are applying various competitive strategies.

Competitive strategies

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The illustration above is showing the five forces identified by Porter. The first one is the low cost provider strategy in which the preference is to make the cost as low as possible. The second one is the broad differentiation. In this the company is seeking to differentiate the product offerings from rivals' in ways that will appeal to a broad range of buyers. The third one is the best cost provider strategy. This one is in which the value for the money is being emphasized on, the goal is to keep costs and prices lower than those of other providers of comparable quality and features. The fourth one is the focused strategy based on lower cost. This one is the one in which the concentration is on a narrow buyer segment and outcompeting rivals on the basis of lower cost. The fifth one is the focused strategy based on differentiation. This one offers the niche members' product customized in accordance to their tastes and requirements.

Competitive strategies of Barnes and Noble

Barnes and noble is making use of the Initiate Systems, it is basically master data management software. This software is useful in providing records for each and every customer, company and households.  Accenture is also software which has been deployed in Barnes and noble, it ...
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