Management In Organization

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Management In Organization

Management In Organization


People in today's fact paced world, do many things without any clear intentions of desiring money. Money cannot be actually termed as the motivating factor, but in fact do gives, people the power of buying, food, shelter, clothes. However, to some extent money has the power of satisfying the social and psychological needs, which are the motivational factor in true essence. However, the rise in the pay may increase the spending range of any person, this outcome can be seen within the six weeks of the pay rise, but still it does not fall under the category of money being the motivating factor, but in other sense it may help in order to fund the new furniture in the house, and further people look for more of their wants and desires to be satisfied.


There are many people, in fact people in the senior management, they tend money as one of the major and the only motivating factors, nevertheless, money is not the only motivation for the people at work, as there are many people, who work days and night in the field of teaching, or working in an NGO's where the pays are nearly to zero and does not worth the time and energy people spending. For these kinds of people, their dedication, and will to work for people and humanity never in return ask for the value of money. People expend a substantial part of their lives at employment, so it is not astonishing that they look forward to be satisfied and pleased with the work that they do. Motivation is apprehensive with why people do things as well as what constrains them to perform in a meticulous manner. According to Atkins et al. (1975), considering what motivates a person is significant in the place of work. The need is the top notch element of the process of motivation, the needs itself lies in different types. Physiological needs are the primary needs of the person or an individual which are needed for the basic living, apart from that there are secondary needs which are needed to spend the live with affection, status, security etc.

According to Analoui (2000), Theories of motivation are abundantly found and practiced; the multitude of defining the concept "motivation" is far from exhausted. Literature shows that the founders and first users of the concept had trouble to summarize and define motivation in quantifiable terms or even, in expressible forms. There were also significant disagreements on certain aspects of the concept, disagreements that continue today as we will see later. The literature includes many discussions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. According to this theory, extrinsic motivation increases in an educational environment that supports teachers' needs for autonomy, belonging, and competence. In contrast, extrinsically motivated students perform learning tasks in order to gain rewards or avoid punishment; therefore, they are inclined to make minimal efforts to achieve rewards Mullins (1999). There are many reasons of ...
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