Management In 21st Century

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Management and Business in the 21st Century

Table of Contents

Thesis Statement3



The great transformation6

Future of the economy and business world9


Business drivers11




Thesis Statement

Overpopulation as challenges to management principals of mass production and mass consumption.


It is proud to be part of western nation and achievements of western culture. West has made unbelievable achievements in several areas of life, in a short span of time. Their contribution in science, technology and medicine area is, and this advancement affected human life in an extraordinary way. Most of the common things were a miracle generations before (Dolan & Raich, 2009, pp. 121).

Human contribution in the field of science is remarkable; they have a cure of deadly diseases, they conquered outer space and reached moon, DNA the blueprint of life is, animal cloning has and genetically improved plants are. Humans are the species of the world, which developed themselves faster than any other species on the planet. They invented the ways to reduce the communication gap and invented new modes to travel distances rapidly (Dolan & Raich, 2009, pp. 121).

After so many discoveries, human also faced several problems. Two world wars and numerous civil wars cost million of human lives. We invented weapons of mass destructions which can destroy the whole world in a matter of times.

Despite all above issue humans have to face a lot of new issues too. Humans have loosed such forces, on which humans have limited control. (Raich and Dolan, 2008, pp. xx) Identified many of these issues threatened the continuity of human culture and mankind too.

Discussion West is proud for achievement in technology and culture. Wonderful achievement has been made and every area of science and technology. Incredible breakthrough in human life has made, decade before the thing which was impossible, is done in minutes with technology and advancement of processes. But future sustainability is not only depends on these resources such as land, water and biological and technological resources to help human life (Pimemtel et al, 2006, pp. 155). The world population is to be doubled in next 52 years based on growth rate of 1.2% per year (Pimemtel et al, 2006, pp. 155). This growth has greater influence on resources; the overpopulation creates an imbalance in the allocation of resources especially of fossil fuels. It has critically that for future stability is controlling over human population and conversation of resources effectively (Pimemtel et al, 2006, pp. 156).

(Dolan & Raich, 2009, pp. 122) Focused their study on these issues and found:

Stable lifestyle is by developed countries, and developing countries are trying to reach that mark, but in limited and ending resources it seems impossible for them to achieve the same level. It is to achieve a new lifestyle with efficient and effective use of resources (Dolan & Raich, 2009, pp. 122).

A key problem behind destruction and decline of the ecosystem is world overpopulation which is 6.5 billion and growing annually with 80 million headcounts. In developing countries, approximately 90 percent of the population is by young ...
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