Management Ethics

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Social Networking Sites and Their Impact on Business


Use of Social Networking Sites by Businesses1

Notion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics in Business3

Different models of Corporate Social Responsibility4

Critical Evaluation of Relation between CSR models and Business Use of SNS4

Davis Model of Corporate Social Responsibility5

Carroll Model of Corporate Social Responsibility6

Classical and Economic Model of Corporate Social Responsibility7

Neo Classical Model of Corporate Social Responsibility8

Analysis of the case of Facebook9


Internet Ethics and Facebook9

Recommendations to Improve Ethical Performance12



Social Networking Sites and Their Impact on Business


Corporate social responsibility has turned out to be notion of increasing importance in the contemporary business environment in the recent years. The idea of corporate social responsibility; however, has been expanded and modified on the basis of different models and theories proposed. The aim of this report is to relate two important notions of the business world that are the conception of corporate social responsibility and the business use of social networking sites. The report critically evaluates the manner in which different models of corporate social responsibility relates to the business utilisation of social networking sites.

The second part of the report discusses the case of one of the famous and most used social networking sites these days that is Facebook. It studies how the performance of Facebook relates to the internet and business ethics. In the end, the report entails some strategic recommendations on the basis of the analysis of the case so as to improve the ethical performance of the site.

Use of Social Networking Sites by Businesses

Social network is a platform, online service or web site, intended for building, reflection and organization of social relationships. Social networks can be created strategically to expand or to make more efficient the social network (professional, friendly) (Boyd & Ellison, 2007, p. 211). There has been a drastic change and transformation of traditional media of communication into this new media that is digital, computerized and consists of information networks and technologies that enhance the overall experience of communication. Millions of people today are making use of social networking websites, wikis, video sharing websites and blogs and other discussion forums in order to take advantage of its unlimited benefits (Boyd & Ellison, 2007, pp.210-211).

Social networking sites are not solely being used for personal purposes. Due to its increasing integration in the daily lives of the people, businesses have started to use it as one of the most preferred communication tools (Richter & Reimer, 2009, p. 1). Organizations discern the advantages that the use of social media and social networking sites can bring to the business. More and more companies decide to create their profile on a social network, seeking an enhanced access to a target objective. Social networks are used by many companies as an important tool in their plan of action and there are entrepreneurs who have used the network as a base for their business (Hutley, 2009, pp.10-11).

Large companies are beginning to use computer systems and contact management to allow their workers to share their profiles and other relevant information ...
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