Implication Of Business Ethics And Quality Management

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Implication of Business Ethics and Quality Management



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This study will try to explore the concept of business ethics and quality management in a holistic context. The main focus of this research will be on quality management and its relation with business ethics. The research will also analyse many aspects of business ethics and will try to gauge its effect on quality management. Finally the research will describe various factors for quality management and will try to describe the overall implications of business ethics on quality management.

Table of Contents


Aims and Objectives of the Research1

Research Question2

Significance of the Study2

Rationale of the Study2

Limitations & Delimitations of the study3

Ethical Concerns4


Business Ethics6

Quality Management14

Link between business ethics and quality management18

Research Design21

Literature Search21



Chapter 1: Introduction

Business ethics and quality management are often considered a separate entity in academic research. The reason being that both the fields have very different origins; business ethics has originated from philosophy whereas quality management has developed recently from management studies. With the present progress in these fields that has occurred, we have strong reasons to link these two disciplines. One similarity that can be observed in both the fields is that they both discuss the issue of responsibility. This implies that both the fields reflect on the same topic. This study will attempt to shed light on the association between business ethics and quality management and to show the implications of business ethics on quality management.

Aims and Objectives of the Research

The research aims to find the relation between business ethics and quality management. The research also will find the implications of business ethics on quality management. The implications of business ethics on quality management will be discussed along with the future course for research in the field of quality management.

Research Question

This study would analyse the following research questions:

How has ethics and quality management developed in business?

What is the link between ethics and quality management?

How can management learn from the field of ethics to improve quality in work?

Significance of the Study

Responsibility within and outside organisation is the most important criteria for quality management. This study provides a broader view on responsibility based on ethical principles (like moral values, personal care) and its impact on relationship with stakeholder. By applying business ethics management can keep both internal and external customers satisfied.

Rationale of the Study

When we talk about total quality management, attention is paid to social responsibility on the extent that its impact is recognised and implemented only within the company. However, this study shows that why relational responsibility that is ...
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