Management And Society Class

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Management and Society class

Management and Society class

(1)A: Arguments For And Against Corporate Social Responsibility



1. The rise of the modern corporation created and continues to create many social problems. Therefore, the corporate world should assume responsibility for addressing these problems.

2. In the long run, it is in corporations' best interest to assume social responsibilities. It will increase the chances that they will have a future and reduce the chances of increased governmental regulation.

3. Large corporations have huge reserves of human and financial capital. They should devote at least some of their resources to addressing social issues.

1. Taking on social and moral issues is not economically feasible. Corporations should focus on earning a profit for their shareholders and leave social issues to others.

2. Assuming social responsibilities places those corporations doing so at a competitive disadvantage relative to those who do not.

3. Those who are most capable should address social issues. Those in the corporate world are not equipped to deal with social problems.

(1)B: Yes, it is the job of corporations to be socially responsible because, companies must look beyond the short-term, bottom-line perspective and realize that investments in society today will reap them benefits in the future. Furthermore, it may be in the corporate world's best interests to engage in socially responsive activities because, by doing so, the corporate world may forestall governmental intervention in the form of new legislation and regulation.

(1)C: Yes, globalization is making it easier for a company to be socially responsible but some difficulties are also there as well.

(2)A: Before starting the business person has to get the knowledge of pros and cons of business so as to know what behavior is right or wrong in the business world.

(2)B: The ethical climate of a business organization can make the difference between a successful venture and an unsuccessful one. In a 2007 article published in Financial Executive, contributing writer Cynthia Waller Vallario suggests that there may be a connection between how a business is perceived and its internal ethical climate. Improving the ethical climate of your own business "enhances and preserves its reputation, inspires loyalty and advertises that it has its ethics message right. It also fosters an ethical culture within the organization."

Increased focus in the business community regarding ethics-based issues has led to increased funding and research to increase ethical awareness. One strategy to improve the ethical climate of your business organization is to offer or even require classes in business ethics. Business ethics classes at the local community college or even classes offered directly through the human resources department can be a practical and cost-effective way to offer ongoing ethics training and motivation.

One problem that might arise in the promotion of ethical guidelines to your workforce is the fear employees may have regarding their role in reporting unethical or questionable behavior by another employee or even a supervisor. Employees must be assured that they will be safe from retaliation from other employees or supervisors who might be turned in for engaging in questionable ...
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