Management And Leadership

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Management and leadership

Concepts of management1

Concepts of leadership2

Management and leadership styles5

Democratic style (democratise)7

Affiliate Style (affiliate)7

Authoritarian style (visionary - visionary)8

Style of coaching (coaching)9

Aviation industry10


Management and leadership

Concepts of management

Although it is not possible to find a universally accepted definition for the concept of management and, on the other hand, although it has changed a lot over the past century, there is some consensus regarding the This must necessarily include a set of tasks that seek to ensure the efficient allocation of all resources available to the organization, as described above, to achieve predetermined objectives. Other words, it has to manage the optimization of the operation of organizations around the rational decision and justified in the collection and processing of data and information important, and in this way contribute to its development and to satisfy the interests of all owners and their employees and to the satisfaction of the needs of society in general or a particular group. Being the manager someone who belongs to the organization and has the obligation the tasks entrusted to the management, it will now be easier to find a concept that identifies it (Scott, 2005).

According to the classical concept, developed by Henry Fayol, the director is defined by their functions within the organization: the person who owns the interpretation of the objectives proposed by the organization and act through the planning, organization, management or administration and control to achieve the objectives set. From this we can conclude that the manager is someone who develops strategic and operational plans it deems most effective to achieve the proposed objectives, designing the structures and establishes rules, policies and procedures tailored to the most developed plans and, finally, put implements and coordinates the implementation of plans through a certain type of order (or management) and control. The management is, in the strict sense, the set of actions to be assured so that the ' company can pursue their goals in business planning and make decisions regarding the relations between its constituent elements (people and technology). Management, in this sense, it is, therefore, synonymous with management though, in common parlance, the two concepts tend to overlap, on the other hand, there is no doubt that management is one of the most important aspects of management (Aviolio, 2002).

Concepts of leadership

The process of leadership consists in ' interaction of those that in a structure of state occupy the highest position, otherwise called leader , with the rest of the group . One of the key members of a group of high status is to propose ideas and activities in the group using in this way means to influence the members of the group to change their behavior . But, since the social influence is always a mutual process, what characterizes the leaders is that they can influence others in the group more than they are influenced themselves. For this reason, in the most recent theories of leadership we intend to assume the leadership of a relationship, because as stated by Peter Drucker leader is someone who has followers, without followers, there can be a leader (Wren, 1995).

For the concept of leadership there are different definitions qualify differently based on the theoretical approach adopted? All or ...
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