Knowledge Management Systems

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Knowledge Management Systems

Knowledge Management Systems


The managers are served as the most important human resource for an organization. They have a very tough job routine as they have to gather and analyze different information regarding the organizations operation's every day. It is a difficult task to find out which data is relevant or which is not so there are Knowledge Management Systems which guide the organizations in managing data. It is necessary for every organization to implement such knowledge management system through which they can take effective decisions. Countries all over the world including the Gulf countries are making strategies for their knowledge management.

It has been observed that Knowledge is an important resource for every organization, individual and government through which they can develop better understanding of the decision making process and can achieve faster learning (Alavi & Leidner, 2001, pp 107-136). Organizations can achieve fastest growth by the effective deployment of knowledge management systems.

Success Factors of KMS

There are various factors which are contributing towards the success of Knowledge Management Systems. These factors include technical and organizational infrastructure, knowledge oriented culture, vision clarity, little orientation related to process, cultural attributes, employees changing behavior, security and system information.

The factors which have been highlighted in the article for the success of the Omani organizations are not different from the factors which are contributing towards the success of KMS as they are equally contribute towards the implementation of this system. The only factors which are not applicable in the Omani organization are reward policy and the organizational infrastructure (Chang et al, 2012, pp 847-861). The study reveals that the Omani organizations are weak in implementing the KMS in their structure,that is why, they have used Omani organizations for the research. However, the success factors which are important to KMS in Omani Organizations are quite ...
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