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In modern societies, gender issues are not a basic reference that helps us understand stereotypes and roles assigned to women and men and that spread to all walks of life, among which are the activities for leisure, arts and recreation, social relationships, political participation, the inclusion in education and culture, the roles and tasks of family life and working life, or preferences are taken into the tourism. Gender aspects determine participation trends in the occupational structure.

Sex is the biological and gender social and cultural aspects and it is in the images and stereotypes where tourism has played an important role. It is noted that the female sector was gradually introduced in the occupational structure at a stage tour that men wielded the most jobs. The positive impact resulted in paid work, while the negative is also noted for the effects it had on the care of the family, taking on new responsibilities and the limited economic benefits, as happened in the rest economic sectors in which they were incorporated.

Feminist analyzes have sex tourism as a typical case of hegemony and power of men over women, placing these into an inferior position in society. There is a relationship between aspects of leisure and entertainment, recreation, entertainment and work in tourism, which is mixed with prostitution and casual sex romantic tourist trips, and is what shapes the type called sex tourism (Holden, 2005, pp. 195-201).

Sex tourism is a tourism product offering main objective consumption enjoy sex within, visit and travel to tourist sites in different cultures, rich and exotic traditions and customs, and of great physical beauty and geographical climates preferably tropical and developing societies, but also occurs in developed societies. Sex is the basic purpose and underlying this type of tourism and contains two sides: one is the tourist romance that happens between people or between a tourist tourists and people of the country of destination, which are presented in occasional cycles. The second side is the so-called sex tourism is prevalent and drag the entire range of commercial sex exploitation and pornography, voyeurism, striptease, virtual tourism, etc. The difference is that the former is voluntary and required is beyond commercialization, and provides satisfaction in people, but sex tourism marketing involves sex and prostitution after her.

In sex tourism there are four types of individuals acting in the first place are the people who sell sex to consumption and make a profit: pimps and thugs, secondly those who freely offer and sell their sexual services, also adhere unfree people are subjected and enslaved to the offer and sale of sexual services by induction, coercion, deception, and physical and psychological violence, and this is where child prostitution is forged. The fourth type of individuals corresponds to demanding these services in the leisure and tourism. It is important to understand certain reactions to employment opportunities for women and youth in traditional communities is important to understand family relationships and gender. Tourism demands much female labor in both the physical work area within the ...
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