Making The Team

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Making the Team

Making the Team

Define, explain and give examples of the five defining characteristics of a team

Following are the salient characteristics of; team is a collection of persons coordinated to complete a global reason, who are interdependent, and who can be recognized by themselves and observers as a team. Teams live inside a bigger association and combine with other teams and the organization. Teams are one way for associations to accumulate input from constituents, and association constituents with a sense of engagement in the pursuit of organizational goals. Further, teams permit associations, flexibility in assigning constituents to tasks and permit for cross-functional assemblies to be formed. Selecting the members of a team is the most important aspect of team formation and managing individuals within a team (Armstrong, 1995).

When a team is formed it is vital that the characteristics and personality profile of the prospective members is understood. Team participation and mode of entry is very influential characteristics. Other characteristics, which are very important when forming teams, include communication ability, flexibility, and collegiality of the individual. If all the team members can communicate their ideas, are available at any moment for the team, and get along with each other, the team will be able to function with minimal conflict. A performance management system sets out to establish organizational goals and objectives to ensure that a business is successful, and employees are performing to the highest achievable standard. The system also identifies any problems with a public service and monitors progress in the form of improved performance (Leigh, 2011).

Explain the four team performance criteria and provide examples

The organization should use strategies to access team performance. An effective performance appraisal system in a team-based organization should include a results-orientation and a concern with the processes that enable results. One way to accomplish this is to use a goal-based system that holds the team accountable for results and individuals accountable for their contribution to the team. At each organizational level, it is vitally important that the performing unit, whether team actively involved with the next higher level in the joint determination of appropriate goals and criteria of performance.

The locus of performance appraisal should remain at the local level— between the manager and teams and teams and their members. This provides flexibility in tailoring individual performance appraisal to accommodate the many different types of work arrangements found in organizations today individual contributors, part-time team members, or core team members—and the different types of contributions required for different types of tasks. Local management also facilitates the design of individual and team development plans, as well as providing quicker response time when change needed.

Performance appraisal plays a vital role in the organization. Whether it is employee performance or team performance but at the organizational level it is necessary to, critically review the performance. Different strategies can be used to develop the performance appraisal, and it is necessary to implement it. The management plays a crucial role in accessing the ...
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