Making Connections - Case Study

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Making Connections - Case Study

Making Connections - Case Study

Being a learning and development professional from the Corporate and Management Development Centre (CMDC) I would first like to provide a brief overview of the case. Connections are a Regional Transport Authority has undergone a little management development activity over a past few years. Company is going through some basic training and development issues in preparing its leaders for tomorrow. Developing a comprehensive competency framework is the basic need of the time so as to make sure effective managers are being chosen who will lead the company in the future. The framework must address the two basic components of the strategy which are leadership development and reward strategy in a manner that how to introduce these strategies and how its effectiveness will be measured.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development and Management is important for human resource management (HRM) of an organization and depicts the way an organization values its staff. The strategic training and development of managers and leaders is one of the most important tasks that HR department has to undertake. Business and HR strategy of any organization must or at least try to shape up the outline of training and development activities along with allocating the required resources. The training and development activities aim at enhancing the competencies that a manager possess, provided training is well delivered and understood by the recipients as it is assumed to be. These skills and competencies that are new to the trainees will result in enhancing their capabilities, ultimately enabling the organization to provide a superior value to its customers in comparison to the competitors.

There are two types of leadership theories which are conventional and contemporary. Conventional view is oriented on hierarchies, it has closed systems, it is fragmented and isolated. Leaders are the authority and decider under this approach and followers are to lead them. It is leader's organization and only incremental changes are accepted within the organization. Whereas, contemporary view is system oriented, has open systems, it promotes being connected and interdependent. Leader is meaning maker and facilitator, and followers are the leaders themselves. It suggests a leader-full organization and is flexible enough to accept any change that is initiated by anyone (Allen and Cherry, 2000).

The contribution of these leadership theories towards the development of human resource practices is immense because of the fact that everyone who joins an organization wants to move ahead with their careers. When these theories are applied and employees are given an opportunity to learn and grow, they stay loyal to the organizations. Conventional theory being an old one, gives lesser opportunities to employees for their development. Whereas; contemporary theory gives a huge opportunity to the employees who really see future leaders in themselves.

Reward Strategy

In today's world, it is important for every organization to cope-up with the cost issues and to manage its human resource in a way that the employees feel they are recognized and appreciated; and also managing the company's profit margins at ...
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