Maintenance Management

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Maintenance Management

Application of Maintenance Management Principles and Techniques: Theoretical and Managerial Perspectives

Application of Maintenance Management Principles and Techniques: Theoretical and Managerial Perspectives

Executive Summary

It was identified that the maintenance management plays a vital role in developing the maintenance research study. The research consists of the construction of the bridge and it was stated that the repair and maintenance of the bridge should be considered in carry on out the research study. They have conducted qualitative and quantitative research as to attain the desired objectives. Maintenance decisions are made up of predication model. The models concerned the validity condition and the perditions that are set are the maintenance management. In the beginning of industry revolution the challenging task is of maintenance equipments. The equipments of engineering is difficult to manage by the maintenance department. The equipments of the existing departments and identify their needs and demands of the maintenance management. Use appropriate techniques for the faults and failures. The equipments and facilities are modified according to the maintenance department. There is an inventory management that are effective in dealing with the maintenance department. The current situation of the maintenance management is determined in this research. It depicts that the development in the bridge is increasingly and effectively.

Executive Summary2



Background and overview of Maintenance Management5

Maintenance Strategies5

Functions of maintenance management6

Role of maintenance management in the organization6

Elements of effective maintenance management7

Bridge maintenance management8

Research Methodology8

Qualitative research8

Methods of qualitative research9

Methods of quantitative research10

Data Collection Methods10

Data collection in qualitative research10

Data collection in quantitative research11

Mix research methodology in epidemiology12

Data analysis and results12

Limitations and recommendations13

Conclusion and future directions13

Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, data retrieved from, on 25 May 2013.16


There are ways to reduce the maintenance management cost and the organization used for fewer resources. The systematic work is involved in the maintenance management. The total assets management is managed by the maintenance manager. Over a number of years they have managed a maintenance team. They repair the high cost with the delay of receiving the products. Maintenance management is effective in the organizations as to avail the pressures persists in educational institutes (Buys, 2006, pp.997).

The primary maintenance of the management committee is the actions received by the repair, replacement, services and modification of the machinery or the components that are available at the time of working. Maintenance can handle the process of keeping the organization well maintained (Chary, S.N. 2007, pp.132).

Research carried out for the repair and maintenance of the bridge. Conditions that are highlighted must be taken under consideration of the deterioration model. Maintenance decisions are made up of predication model. The models concerned the validity condition and the perditions that are set are the maintenance management (Chary, 2007, pp.132). They have developed the infrastructure management system that should be considered whiled dealing with the maintenance management. They are maintaining the intra structure of the maintenance management. They are directed towards the improving and managing the infrastructure system. The researchers are dealing with the process of infrastructure management ...
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