Loving Your Children Too Much

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Loving Your Children Too Much, by Tim Clinton


The paper discusses the issues relating to the behavior issues faced by children and emerging issues between parents and children. Tim in his book “Loving Your Children too much” has focused on how parents should keep their child motivating for the upcoming challenges and problems. He has discussed the behaviour and nature of children and how various measures to treat them. Thus, relationships between parents and their children undergo profound changes as children develop and as parents enter a new life stages. Even today, with increased emphasis on the importance of parenting and the prevalence of available child-rearing information, there is no general agreement on what parenting specifically means.

Table of Contents




The Parent-Child Communication6

Express Steadfast Belief In Your Child6

Express Your Belief For Your Children7

Parent- Child Attachment7

Love And Affection7


Behavioral impact8

Parenting Style9

What are the measures to support and promote positive parenting?9

Loving Your Children by Loving Your Self10

Parenting Style10

Love your child11

Loving Your Children with Boundaries11

Make Them a Priority12

Negative Influence of Parenting12


Saving the Child's Identity13

Limiting the boundaries13



Loving Your Children Too Much, by Tim Clinton


Family is both affection and obligatory system. Love and obligation characterize all enduring human relationships. Parents not only love their children, they are obligated to provide care and support for them to maturity. However, obligations of adult children to their elderly parents require them to provide care and nurturance, reciprocating for their earlier receipt of such benefits.

It is a fact that relationship between parents and children report is a bitter surprise for many parents discover that their children have reached the threshold of the thirteen-fourteen years, are rapidly converted, taking on a new personality and more complex, that they cannot penetrate and before which they feel a sense of loss. Accustomed to dealing with children that they know entirely the needs and feelings, they find time to be excluded from the secret confidence of these youngsters. At this stage of maturation of the individual, are the two types of relationship with parents, which makes it also the fault of the children, the dialogue. The first is the attitude of many parents who are desperate to get back to being the reference point of what, in their eyes, they are still creatures in need of guidance, assume an attitude of ostentatious friendliness towards their children.


The basis of this book by Tim Clinton based on who wrote the article, put lectures on the relationship between parents and children, various factors are highlighted by Tim in his book by effectively putting forward his views on the issues emerging between parents and their child. Important factors are being discussed how much a child should be given freedom and scope to live a confident life and what roles can be played by parents to fulfill his/her dream.

In the book, “In Loving Your Child Too Much” Dr. Tim Clinton and Dr. Gary Sibcy write about the difficult balance to, love your child well without overindulging, overprotecting and over ...
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