Looking For Love

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Looking For Love


Love is not a natural kind or the substance of an abstract kind. Love is an empirical phenomenon. It is a phenomenon that human beings encounter every day. On a daily basis, we use love in different meanings. For instance, we say that Romeo loves Juliet, Odysseus loves Penelope, Abraham loves his son Isaak, and several other examples. In all these situations, love has been used in different terms (Scholz. For instance, the love between Romeo and Juliet was romantic. However, the love of Odysseus for Penelope was matrimonial. In this situation, the honor and compulsion was more dominant than romance. Similarly, there is a difference between love for a person and love for non-personal objects. However, in both instances, love can be described as the desire to be with the thing or person we love. There are certain instances in which human loved ones become jealous of other objects of love (Kuhn, pp. 160).


This paper aims to analyze love from different perspectives. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the explanations of love in ancient literature and Holy Scriptures.

Lewis is the author of 'The Four Loves'. Lewis is known as one of the dominant theologians. The author is one of the most important theologians. The scholarly discipline of Lewis was literature. When analyzing love, it is imperative to comprehend the idea of love from the perspective of Lewis. The author presented an analysis of diverse kinds of love. He divided love into Gift and Need. The author also examined the sub-human level love. The author described sub-human love as affection. According to the author, the word affection has been derived from the Greek language. In Greek language, affections leans storage. The book includes diverse concepts of love and friendship. The author believed that the intensity of friendship love is less than other kinds of love. There should be a clear line of distinction between friendship and love. It is because friendship is different from community love and erotic love. Community love and friendship are two diverse concepts. Community love is based on the foundation of the overall development of the community. However, friendship is free of any duty or responsibility for the purpose of development or advancement.

Ogden, in his work Love Unbounded: The Doctrine of God has presented the belief that process theology has explained love better than any other theology. According to the beliefs of the author, the love of God has been obscured by the love of beings.

Idea of Love

The idea of love has been presented by different authors. It has been presented in the Bible, Koran, and Greek and Indian Literature.

Ancient Egyptian poetry-Hymn to the Sun

Hymn to the Sun was composed by King Akhenaton. He is also the speaker of this poem. In this poem, the narrator has praised the God. In this poem, the poet has described love in terms of the nature of God's creations. In this poem, Akhenaton has described the universal preeminence of the sun. The poem Hymn to the ...
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