Family Counseling

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Family Counseling

Family Counseling

Section 1: Setting for Counseling

Setting for Counseling and Members of the Immediate Family

The family that has come for the counseling includes family members from the HBO TV series 'Shameless'. The father in the series is named Frank Gallagher (45) and the mother is named Jessica (43). They have six children, four of them who are still very little, and the older ones, Fiona Gallagher aged 18 and Phillip Gallagher aged 14. The father Frank is an alcoholic. Alcoholism apparently runs in the family as his father Peter was also an alcoholic. Apart from that Frank 's parents were also divorced. He did not live in a model home but had to go through an abuse phase from his father when he was a child. He moved out of the house at the age of 16 and lived his life on his own doing odd jobs here and there all the while trying to complete his education. Jessica was raised in a secure home and is independent. Both her parents died when she was in her early 20s. Jessica and Frank met through common friends and got married within a year. Jessica works in an advertising agency at a good post while Frank is a banker. They were a happy family till the time Frank lost his job and started indulging in drinking. He couldn't find a stable job as his drinking activities increased and his performance decreased. This became the cause of a tiff between Jessica and Frank .

Genogram of the Family and the Reason of Opting for Consultation

Due to the fact that the parents were unable to resolve their issues, these issues started increasing. The entire family started becoming distinct from one another and the communication process gradually died down. Due to the constant fighting between the parents, Fiona Gallagher and Phillip Gallagher became very affected. Fiona Gallagher started looking for love and care among the wrong people and got influenced in started smoking and maintaining sexual relationship with different boys. This resulted in her becoming pregnant. This created more problems and stress for the parents. Phillip Gallagher on the other hand completed isolated himself from his family and started abusing and bulling his classmates. Frank decided that he has had enough of the family problems and decided to opt for a divorce. Fiona Gallagher on the other hand decided to give the family another chance through going for a family therapy. Frank agreed to give family counseling a try before filing for the divorce.

Section 2: Conceptualization of Family and the Problem

Presenting Problem of the Family and the Reason they are Seeking Counseling

The major problem of the family is the looming divorce. Divorce has become quite common in America these days. Frank 's parents were also divorced which is the reason he also though this way can be an out for his problems.

The Reason of the Occurrence of Problem

Following are the main reasons of the occurrence of the ...
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