London Olympic Stadium

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London Olympic Stadium



Analysis of the Programme4

Analysis of the Project Management5

Project Team Matrix Structure5

Project Costs5

Project Procurement5

Early Involvement6

Clear Communication6

Risk Management Activities7

Olympic Stadium Programme, a Success or a Failure7

Conclusion and Recommendations8


Executive Summary

The paper provides a detailed analysis of the London Olympic Stadium programme and the project management used to manage the programme. In first part of the report, the analysis of the Olympic stadium programme is discussed. Subsequently, the project management with respect to management of stadium programme is included. The discussion regarding whether the Olympic stadium programme was a success or failure also forms part of this report. In final section, conclusion and recommendations about improvement of the stadium project concludes the report.

London Olympic Stadium


The London Olympic stadium hosted the Athletics and Paralympic Athletic events at the London 2012 Olympic Games. The Olympic Stadium of 2012 was planned to be designed to be as sustainable as possible while preparing for an Olympic event. The £496m project commenced in 2007 and completed ready for the Olympic Games in 2012. The London stadium is situated in the south of the Olympic Park on an island site bounded by waterways from three of its sides. The London Olympic stadium has capacity of about 80,000 seats which is significantly reduced in capacity and size to provide a sustainable sports arena.

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The Olympic stadium was completed on time and under budget by employing around 5,000 people from more than 240 UK businesses. Such major achievement in a short span of time is emblem of hard working and focus of project managers who were working on the project. Such a big achievement of completing stadium for 2012 London Olympics in a calculated time is evidence to the professionalism and skill of the UK construction industry.

The report includes a detailed analysis of the programme and the project management used to manage the programme of London Olympic Stadium. Moreover, various issues and challenges that surrounded the project and its management are also discussed in detail.


Analysis of the Programme

The London 2012 Olympic Stadium has seating capacity of 80,000 people during games but it was built with keeping legacy in mind that its capacity will reduced after the Games. The stadium was design in 2 tiers, the lower and upper tier. The lower tier can hold 25,000 people and it is permanent and cannot be displaced but the upper tier was built keeping strategy of making it displaceable. Likewise, the lower tier of stadium was built as a temporary structure with concrete and steel structure holding about 55,000 seats which could be dismantled (Bushby & Heald 2012, p. n.d).

The business case for incorporation on this project was obvious from start, as close timeline supposed to lessen the risk of concerns and exertions, issues regarding building of stadium need to be well thought-out from the initial potential stages. Moreover, a high silhouette project joint with tense cost restraints, a demanding brief, demanded a diverse and innovative approach so that the project management group could recognize that the collaborative and ...
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