Midsummer Night's Dream
Midsummer Night's Dream
Short Anwers
The 'law of the father' is revealed to the audience in the first scene. In this scene, Egeus is enraged that his daughter Hermia is reluctant to marry Demetrius because she loves Lysander. The play indicates how the Athenian law gave a father the authority ...
Othello's Jealousy
Othello's Jealousy
Shakespeare's Othello has been widely considered as a play that involves human psychology (Jamieson, 2013). The purpose of this play was to teach moral values to the illiterate population, and succeeded in engaging the audience, despite of having small cast and few themes. The main character of ...
Shakespeare 'Romeo and Juliet'
Shakespeare 'Romeo and Juliet'
Discussion Analysis
'Romeo and Juliet' is one of the legendary tragedies of Shakespeare that held great popularity in its time and even still it is recognizable with the same vigour. It defines the story of two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, both belongs to foe families ...
What Make You Impressive After Reading Othello
What Make You Impressive After Reading Othello
Shakespeare's plays appear to focus mainly around a male dominant character and his conflicts which tend to deal with a woman in some plays. He is criticized for the portrayal of his novel. Shakespeare's Othello is ...
Shakespeare: Reflection 3
Shakespeare, through his outstanding plays and novels, continues to cause an enormous impact on contemporary plays, novels, and drama.
What Shakespeare have you read in the past?
Shakespeare's creation had always appealed to me. His plays were so intriguing that one finds himself thoroughly engaged with what he ...
Question 1
Prospero, in Act 1.2, acts as though he disapproves of Ferdinand and Miranda's mutual attraction. He does this because ...
he is appalled that Miranda would fall in love with the son of his enemy
he is hopeful that Miranda will fall in love instead with Caliban
he is confident ...
King Lear
King Lear
The tragedy of "King Lear" was written during a time of artistic maturity of the great dramatist, in close proximity to the "Hamlet" "Othello," "Macbeth." "King Lear" - certainly one of the most profound and magnificent works of Shakespeare. In the early 90s of the XVI century some ...
Hamlet Act 4 and 5 Analysis
Hamlet Act 4 and 5 Analysis
Introduction to the Play
Hamlet is a tragic play written by William Shakespeare. It was composed between 1599 and 1601. Hamlet, prince of Denmark, was William Shakespeare's most fascinating hero (Bowers, 1966).. The play recounts how Prince Hamlet took ...
Tragic status of Othello
Tragic status of Othello
Throughout the tragedy of Othello, by William Shakespeare, the audience is presented with a villainous victim, and thus is unsure if Othello can be granted the status of a tragic hero. In the final scene of Othello, the audience ...