Literature - American History

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Literature - American History

Literature - American History


The American Revolution was a period of significant political changes caused by the insurrection of the inhabitants of the thirteen colonies of North America against Great Britain in the late eighteenth century. The American Revolution was a conflict between the thirteen British colonies in North America and their homeland, Britain. This revolution consisted of two events: the War of Independence between 1775 and 1783, and the formation of government as established in the Constitution of the United States in 1787. In the first event, the colonies achieved their independence through war Britain. Then the newly created United States of America established a republican form of government in which power rested with the people. At the end of the war, in 1783, Britain recognized its former colonies as an independent nation. In 1789 representatives from several states ratified the Constitution created a federal government.


Around 1770, the total population of the thirteen colonies was approximately 2.1 million inhabitants. Since their foundation, the colonies have experienced strong population growth due to immigration but also a major birth. The revolutionaries of 1776 thus were mostly bourgeois traders in towns and proprietors of bigger plantations in country areas. Their objective was not in the first location to set up a democracy, but to change the financial situation from the limits set by the English colonial administration to the claims of an appearing capitalist scheme in the new world. In France in 1789, regardless of all the financial concern of the French bourgeoisie, there was a genuine conflict between monarchists and republicans.

Francis Marion

Francis Marion was born in the year 1732 in South Carolina in a place which is now known as Newberry. He got his early education from a country school. He also went for other careers such as working at sea but later changed his plans. He starts looking after his family farm and then he joined Regiment of the South Carolina. The military career of Francis Marion started in the year 1761 when he won a decisive victory against the Cherokee Indians. In the year 1775, he got elected in the First Provincial Congress of South Carolina. He turned out to be a prominent and important person during the period of American Revolution. He managed to seize numerous British forts in South Carolina and won a decisive battle against Britain. For his bravery, courage and valor, he came to known as Swamp Fox. The battles in which he participated took place along the swamps in South Carolina. In May 1780, when Charleston fell into the hands of Britishers, Francis escaped from there and led the local militia to save the town. Marion was given the task of burning the boats of British soldiers, after learning about the British victory, he attacked with his trained soldiers at midnight and surprised the britishers and after defeating them rescued the prisoners. At this point of juncture, Cornwallis first time heard of his bravery and courage. After this Cornwallis ordered all forces ...
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