American literature (American literature or Literature of the United States) refers to literature produced in the United States (including the founding of the former colonial literature). American literature written in English can be regarded as English literature part. The term American literature refers to the total number of literary works created on the site of the former British colony now belonging to the United States and (after 1776 years) to the literature created in the United States. Due to past colonial and English, which is the dominant medium, an American literary tradition gets closely connected with the tradition of English literature. However, because of the unique features and a wealth of creative, have adopted the American literature dealt with separately. A detailed part of American literature is the work of native U.S. residents (Murphy, 2007).
Thesis Statement
“American literature as a whole is the written or literary work produced in the area of the United States and its former colonies”.
American literature has its beginnings with the arrival of the three caravels of Columbus. True, in the New World civilizations with their own cultures gets well defined. Unfortunately, most of these were eradicated. While some have managed to survive, we deal with in American literature. And all, in one form or another, have influenced our literature of Hispanic America.
The group of amateur writers Connecticut, nicknamed "Hartford (Connecticut or) wit", is known for both individual and collective writings. The founder of D. Trumbull (1750-1831) created the first American satire on the mores of the university environment stupidity Development (1771-1773). Pastoral poem of T. Dwight (1752-1817) of Greenfield Hill (1785) performed a poetic sense. Dzh.Barlou (1754-1812) is remembered as the author's mock-heroic poem Fast pudding (1796), glorifying plebeian American dish made of corn flour. So-called "Knickerbockers" got its name by the name of the historian of the New York Knickerbockers D., who came up with W. Irving. At various times, to the "Knickerbockers" belonged to no less than 20 authors who worked in New York in the early 1800s, including the first three thorough masters of American literature: Irving, poet and Editor William C. Bryant and novelist Dzh.F.Kuper. Figures on a smaller scale - the poets Halleck F. and R. Drake, and novelist Dzh.K.Polding. Satiric gift last brilliantly revealed in anecdotes about John Bull and Brother Jonathan (1812), the evil anti-British allegories on the theme of the American Revolution (Anderson, 1995).
There are certain writers in American literature who charm by their eccentricity as well as by their genius, who are both original and originals. The most eminent, perhaps, of these was Henry D. Thoreau—a man who may be said to have penetrated nearer to the physical heart of Nature than any other American author. Indeed, he "experienced" nature as others are said to experience religion. Lowell says that in reading him, it seems as "if all out-doors had kept a diary, and become its own Montaigne." He was so completely a naturalist that the inhabitants of the woods in which he sojourned forgot ...